Roger's Postings

Saturday, October 28, 2006

John 8:31-36. Hold to the Truth!! 29/10/06

(31) To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. {32} Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." {33} They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" {34} Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. {35} Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. {36} So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Today we are commemorating and remembering Reformation Day. But, what for? What is our purpose for doing so?
For some it is, or almost is, an embarrassment. We are living in an ecumenical age, where we are all Christians, so we must not highlight our Lutheran heritage and focus on those great differences we have with other churches. After all who is right; and we are all entitled to our beliefs, even if they may be different to the real truths of the Scriptures.
For others Reformation is merely a time when we look back and remember Martin Luther and how he stood up to the Church of the day, and brought about the beginnings of the Lutheran Church. It brings about feelings of pride that we are different and we are right – even though we don’t really know why and what the importance of it all is.
For many others – and perhaps most - in our church today; who cares. Who really cares about what Reformation is all about; just let them do their own thing and enjoy life, and ‘she’ll be right’.

Well let me suggest to you, that commemorating Reformation is of utmost importance to us. Especially to us living here today, in this day and age, and the present thinking in the church scene. Reformation does have a lot to say to a society and churches which promote the view that there are many saviours – many ways to God, and peace and happiness: there are many ways to find and have happiness in our lives. It also has a lot to say to our church which is facing all sorts of changes in its thinking and practice with regard to worship, doctrine, and other important issues. It has a lot to say, when we are encouraged be more broad minded and tolerant of other denominations and other theologies. And it has a lot to say to those who like think about their Christian lives in terms of how little they have to do and be involved in the Christian faith and still get to heaven – to the ‘me’-centred generation.

The Reformation and its thinking is most important for us and for the future of Christianity in this church of ours; in the wider church scene, as well as in our community and country. At a time when so many are seeking to run off in all kinds of directions, much of which has virtually no biblical foundation; we need to consider very carefully what it is that is important. Like the reformers of years gone by, we need to return to and stick by those basic principles of Christianity and the Bible which God has given to us, or be prepared to suffer the consequences: and I mean suffer.

We too are people of the Reformation, and need to be in reformation. We can not merely stand still - or look back – or rest on our butts thinking all will be well. Each one us, and us as a church as a whole, are challenged, to see that Reformation needs to be a part of life for us today. It is as important for us as it was for Luther nearly 500 yrs ago. We too need to realize that reformation is an ongoing part of life for all Christians: It is an ongoing returning to the original - to what is important; and from there, a moving on in life.

Yes, we are continually facing change, where new thoughts and ideas, as well as decaying forms, are not appropriate. And yes we are being challenged in so many ways to go this way and that – to follow this ideology or another; to go with the flow - where the crowd goes – to mould our Christianity to the ways of the world; or on the other hand to dig our heels in and not budge an inch.

But in the face of it all we must remember what Reformation is all about: Reformation at the time of Luther, and the reformation that needs to be happening each and every day in our lives and in our church. We too need to constantly go back to the basics, so that we know what it is that is important and what it is that we need to stick to, or return to. It is only from there that we are able to move on again, using those foundations to build a future that takes seriously what is happening around us. But also which will enable us to discard and have nothing to do with that which is wrong and dangerous. We too need to wrestle with what is happening in our world and in Christian circles – but to look at them in light of that which is of basic importance and to shape our future with that in mind.

There are four key issues that where central for Luther, as they must be for us also. The first we will title ‘Justification by grace, through faith’. We
read in Ephesians 2:8; ‘It is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God’. Our salvation rests in the Lord Jesus Christ alone: Through his life, death and resurrection alone we have been made right with God: Through him we have been given this as a free gift: So now God looks at me, a sinful person, and sees Jesus Christ and his perfection, and accepts me as his very own child. My works, good or bad - my ideas and knowledge - my paying money or good deeds - my thinking right thoughts - none of it counts. Instead God looks at me through Jesus Christ and relates himself to me; so that I become one of his.
And I believe it - I trust that this is the case for me: and that is what is meant when we hear that we have been saved by grace through faith. And it is on this solid foundation of justification by grace through faith alone, that we must hold to at all cost, and which must be, and is, the basis of the Christian faith. To move away from that invites disaster – as we have seen from history and will continue to see.

Secondly, we need to take seriously the importance of the Word of God – the Holy Scriptures – the Bible. In Psalm 119:115 we read; "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path", and elsewhere we read that we shall not add to or take anything away from the Scriptures. Through the Reformation the Bible has become an open book for God’s people, to be heard and read by us all. We need to remember this is the Word of God – his God's News - his communication with us: speaking to us to awaken faith and stir us to respond. Yet too often we take this book for granted - we talk about it – we make pious comments about what we think it says, but too often we leave it closed – unread.

God's gift to us - to us as individuals, and as a church in reformation, is an open Bible: That is one which speaks to us and therefore wants to influence, direct, correct, reprove, and lead us. It is God’s Word, in its entirety, which speaks both his message of Law and Gospel so that we may know of sin and grace, death and life. It is from this source that we are being continually reformed – that is, taken back to what is important and sending us forward again to live as Christians. As we listen attentively to God's Word to us, he will continue reshaping our daily lives and keep us faithful and secure in his truth.

The third important feature of the Reformation is what is termed the ‘Universal Priesthood of Believers’. We read in 1 Peter 2:9; "You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." We have been born anew - re-formed as our Lord's new people. Re-formed for a new life – a God-pleasing life; a life that is set apart for God, and as his witness and agents in the world around about us.

We are now his priests - his mediators between God and the people out there in our community: Called to pass on God’s message of Law and Gospel. So that others may come to know of the love, grace, and forgiveness that is and can be theirs through Jesus Christ our Lord. Each one of us is reminded that our life is a holy sacrifice: an on-going activity in the presence of our God; living in him, through him and for him.

Lastly there is the real importance of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. In Acts 2;38 we read; "Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". And in 1 Cor. 11:24-25; " Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying; 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.' 'Do this in remembrance of me.'

These sacraments are simple actions which Jesus instituted for his Church to practice, so that he might claim us and set us apart as his own, and to convey to us that which he has done for us through his life death, and resurrection. Justification by faith is applied to each one us individually in this way, and thereby we are born into our Lord's family and are nourished and nurtured as we are continually put right again through the forgiveness of sins. He gives these gifts to us so that we might be assured of this over and over again, and is of central importance to our wellbeing as his people. So the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion are essential for our welfare as his re-formed and re-forming people. They must be held up as absolutely essential for our salvation and for our ongoing welfare as the people of God, because through them along with the Word, God is active for us and for our good.

These four things are key issues for his Church in reformation, yesterday, today and in the years to come. We are to continually go back to these basic foundations, and build our lives and our future on these things. We need to hold all change and thinking, as well as all teachings, up against these and discard that which is contrary. These are teachings and the truth that we are to hold to as of all importance, and it is in these truths that we find our freedom to live and be the people of God.

Yes we are God's people in Reformation. We are people who have been made right with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore people who constantly return to these basic truths that he has given to us. We are to build our lives on them and from there go forward with every confidence in our Great Lord and Saviour. My prayer is that this reformation will take place in our own lives and in the life of the church today; and may our gracious God give us the help, strength and courage to do so. AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mark 10:13-16 Receive as a child?? 8/10/06

(13) People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. {14} When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. {15} I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." {16} And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.

What a wonderful and important encouragement we receive from our Lord here in this reading. Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Jesus is holding up little children as an example to us, as to the nature of accessibility into God’s kingdom. He accepts and blesses them even though, from our perspective, they do not understand the complexities of the faith. In that, he teaches us a number of very important lessons.

Here this morning we have again witnessed this marvellous reality as Greg and Alyshia came bringing their little children to Jesus to have him touch them; and through it great things have happened. Brock and Logan have been richly blessed, as they have been washed clean from that original sin which clings to all humanity since the fall of Adam. There they were adopted into God’s family, being accepted as his very own. Little though they are; unable as we might consider, to be able to reason, comprehend and accept all that is going on; they receive all that God has in mind for them. They here are richly blessed by the Lord Almighty himself.

What a great lesson our Lord has here given to us through this momentous event. As we simply look and receive all that he has said and done here, we surely are greatly encouraged as his people. Surely this gives us great confidence and hope as we go forward to live our lives in a world that continually pounds us with negativity and hopelessness. God has forgiven us and accepted us as his very own: he does have many simple and clear promises and directions for us to help us along the way. He has assured us that all will be well for us, for he has also richly blessed us.

But we like the disciples and the Pharisees reject and complicate what God has said and done for us. How can God bring these little ones into his kingdom without them deciding that this is what they want for themselves? How can they come to a proper understanding so that they can be acceptable at this point? How can we not divorce when we are not fulfilled in our marriage because we are not getting what we want? Surely we are not blessed if we stay in that situation? Surely men and women are equal in every way? Surely for us to be truly blessed we have to experience health, wealth and happiness in the fullest earthly sense? Surely ...... I could go on and on with examples one after another, to indicate how we do not accept what God has simply and plainly said to us and given to us. We want to place ourselves and our pride right into the thick of it all. We want God to accept us and allow us to live on our terms and according to our thinking.

Surely our Lord is therefore just as indignant toward us as he was to the people of his day. How dare we put such stumbling blocks in the way of the people around about us, and in particular our little ones, whether they be babes or babes in the faith. How dare we refuse to bring our little ones to Jesus to be blessed by him; not just in baptism; but regularly, week by week in his house. Justifying ourselves by saying that if we are to bring our children up well we must give them all these earthly things, such as, a good education, sport and recreation, a good family life, and all the rest; but then we will leave it up to them to make their own choice about religion and we will bring them only occasionally to God’s house so that he can touch them. Then we are truly hindering our little ones and all the people around about us who see our attitude toward these things. They surely can see through us and what is important to us!!

How dare we offend others by seeking to ignore and change God’s Word to suit ourselves in lots of other areas of life, simply so that we can have what we want from life. No wonder there is such a drift away from the Church in recent years. If people can readily see that we don’t simply receive what God has freely given to us, but instead we use it all to our own advantage; no wonder they are hindered and turned away from the truth. We are not to put burdens on people with all kinds of demands that we have to live up to certain experiences and feelings in order to be acceptable to God. Or, burden them with saying that we now have the freedom to do as we please, rather than follow the commands that God himself has given us.

Instead we need to hear what our Lord Jesus says here when he says: , "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." The kingdom of God belongs to such as these who simply receive what he has to offer, without any self-righteous and questioning attitude. These two little ones this morning have no great knowledge, experience or feeling on which to base their ability to be acceptable to God. They have no good deeds to hold up as an offering to ‘their side of the bargain.’ They are however washed clean and accepted by God’s good grace through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. He has done everything necessary for them and for us and for our salvation. We simply receive all that he has to offer.

Here again, we receive these things as Jesus says: like a little child. A little one simply receives the love of its parents along with all of the other things that they have to offer. It is only when they get older that they insist on their own way and seek to do what they want to do. But as little ones they simply receive, and they thrive on it. They trust that mum and dad will give them all that they need in order to live each day as it comes. They trust that what mum and dad says is right.

So as mum and dad regularly bring their little ones to God’s house they not only receive the benefits of baptism which joins them to Jesus and his death and resurrection, but they then more and more grow into a deeper understanding of what all this means for them. As they grow they come to know that this is God’s house: Jesus is here; and they accept it as such. They see me stand up here and they see Jesus. They simply receive me as Jesus: Whereas we as adults question whether the pastor actually is here in ‘the stead of Christ’. The little one knows that ‘Jesus loves me:’ Because that is what the Bible says. The little one, as it regularly comes into God’s house, simply receives what happens along the way.

But as I said before, sadly as little ones are not brought into God’s house they are trained right from an early age, to reject all the good things that God has to offer. What we say and do with regard to what is important in our lives, is what they receive into their lives as well. When we talk more about money and pleasure than we do about Jesus, they hear it loud and clear.

But as the little ones hear of Jesus and are brought to him, he touches them and blesses them. Because we know that he does all that says with regard to baptism, we have the same confidence that he is continually at work in theirs and our lives as well, and so the blessings continue to be a part of our lives day in, day out. As we all regularly are brought to Jesus we know that he will touch us and give us what we truly need. Not just what we think is good for us. We too can trust that what he says in the Bible is what is right and true and which is good for us; even if it doesn’t make sense at the moment. When he says take and eat his body and blood which was given and shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins, we receive it just as he says.

In receiving all that he has to offer we too can live and thrive in a sinful and destructive world. For those words of his also apply to each of us: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. We too can know that we are truly blessed even though often it is not the way that it outwardly looks. We too have his promise that; “Lo, I am with you always. Even to the end of the age.”
Yes he has for us everything that we really need, for this life and the next. All we need is simply to continually receive what he has to give.

So again to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, the one who touches and blesses his children; to him be all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church