Roger's Postings

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Numbers 6:22-27. God's Blessing on another New Year 31/12/06

(22) The LORD said to Moses, {23} "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: {24} "' "The LORD bless you and keep you; {25} the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; {26} the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."' {27} "So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them."

Well here we are again at the edge of another new year. It seems that they are coming and going all too frequently. But as they come and go so rapidly, it seems that about the only thing that changes is the fact that we are getting older rather quickly. At the same time as we reflect over the year just gone, I am sure we all would say that there has been a great deal happen in the course of that time. A great deal for us to struggle and grapple with; and a great deal to enjoy: as individuals, families, workers and as a church.

However, by an large, as we look back we have to say it has been a good year. Yes, sure, there have been some very rough patches along way; some ups and downs; some reasons to grizzle and grumble; and even some things to be heartbroken about. But when it comes down to it - it still has been a good year. There is a lot for us to be thankful for: we still have a roof over our heads, get three good feeds a day, and have very good clothes on our back. And we all know that we have got a lot more than that. We have the assurance of the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation, which no one or nothing can take away from us.

Yes we may have had sicknesses, problems and deaths; but in most cases God has been with us and has or is in the process of bringing us through them. Things by and large have gone rather favourably toward us, and we have enjoyed a reasonably good year.

But why? Many today, would say that they have worked hard for it and deserve to have things go their way. Also, again we tend to think that it is the result of all of the technology and education that we have, that we are enjoying the good life; and that the future possibilities are limitless. Over and over again, we today look at our achievements and the good in life as being the result of what we have and are doing for ourselves. Even as Christians, we so often take our blessings for granted and give little thought to the one who really has given us all the good that we have.

That being the case, I think it is quite appropriate that have this reading as our text, as we contemplate the year that is drawing to a close and as we look to the year ahead. Now there is something that I am sure that you have picked up already as you listened to the text being read: That is that this text is the blessing that is used as we conclude our Divine Service virtually every week. Now to understand this blessing and what takes place as a result of its use, will, I am sure, change our thinking about life: And make us far more thankful and far more confident as we face the future.

The first thing that we are reminded of here is that this reading is not some prayer of mankind. It is not some nice, wishful way that we conclude our service: something that we humans have made up to use in our worship. But it is that which God himself has commanded his priests to use; right from the time of Moses. God said to Aaron, this is how you are to bless the people.
And from that time, to this very day, that same blessing has been in use - because it is what God wants. So we need to realize that this blessing that we use is not idle words and wishes; but is that which God has given to us to use, through which he intends to bless us.

Initially this blessing was given to prepare the Israelites for their great act of worship – which was their march to the Promised Land. It invokes and announces God's name and his protection on the people on their difficult trek toward the home God had promised to give them. Now we know from history that is just what God did, despite the Israelites continually choosing to go their own way and do their own thing; which brought great problems on themselves. However God was always using their mistakes for good and great blessing has flowed as a result.

Now that blessing still serves the same purpose today for us. Still he promises his presences, protection and helps for us as we go on our way through this life, to our heavenly home. As God's representative, I, week by week place that blessing onto you; and God actually works what is spoken. What is said, really comes to be; and that God spells out quite clearly in the last verse when he says: So they will put my name on the people and I will bless them.

Now this again is quite a startling thought. Every time I speak these words to you, I am putting God's name on you; and as you well know - where God's name is - there God himself is present and active. So in the blessing I am actually placing God on you: covering you with him and he wrapping himself around you; so that where you go - God goes also – everywhere - in every aspect of your lives. And he is there not just as a protective garment - but as that which brings blessing. He is there to be of help, benefit, assurance, forgiveness, friendship, everything.

All this will happen for you because God promised that it will be so. He says, I will bless them. Not perhaps, maybe, or only if we are good enough. But, will. God will bless his people. God will bless us in this new year. And we can believe it – we can trust that it will be so - because God says so. We can therefore know that he will take care us no matter what the situation might look on the surface.

Now of course, we can turn our backs on it, ignore it and reject what God has to give. We can focus on the bad and then blame God - even though it is our own humanity’s stupid fault. We can pretend that all the good is a result of our own doing and so not see that it is God who has given us all that is good and beneficial; but that it is what he wants for you and me.

Again of course, there are many times when we just can't see where or how this can be. We can look and instead of seeing blessing - see tragedy and trouble. How can there be any blessing in the loss of our loved one, or the drought, or whatever? God's blessing can often seem to be non-existent, until we have the opportunity to look back and see what God sees.

Here, let us remember that this was also the case for the Israelites, for much of the time. On their march to the promised land they faced difficulties, failures and even disasters, but from the hind-sight of history we can see how God was at work through it all. Often yes, they had forgotten that God was present with them and that he had the power to do the impossible. But above all, that he has the overall vision as to what is best both for his people and for the nations of the world. Many times they chose to do their own thing and thought that they could get away with it. They thought that they could live free and easy – and wouldn't be held responsible. So God allowed troubles to come their way. But all the while, did God forget them or leave them? Did he fail to see that they had enough food, water and shelter? Did he fail to get them to the promised land and make them a great nation? No, despite the failures of God's people, God still went with them and blessed them.

And most importantly from that nation came the Saviour of the world. Despite Israel and its waywardness, God was still at work bringing about the salvation of the world. He sends Jesus Christ into our world, to die on the cross, so that we might have the forgiveness of sins and the assurance of life and salvation. He comes and takes our sin on himself, so that we can be given eternal life with God in heaven. So there in Jesus we have the fullness of this blessing, extended to each and every one of us.

So, knowing that God and his blessings are with us, we can go forward with confidence into 2007. Knowing that God's name is on us and he has promised to bless us also, even if, and especially when, troubles and hardships should come our way, we can step forward calmly and positively. Even if the world should be turned upside down by the stupidity of mankind, we can trust that through it all our Lord will stick by us and seek to bring blessing to us. After all he is a loving God who dearly wants to bring good to us all – he wants to bless us richly. And he has given us the certainty of salvation and eternal life.

So through this blessing today, at the conclusion of this Service – and as we start another new year; as well as throughout the coming year, let us remember that God's name has been placed on us and he has promised to bless us. Then as we gather here week by week to hear his Word and receive from him his very body and blood which he shed on the cross for us, and at the conclusion of each Service as we hear these words; "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Be assured again and again that his blessings go with you.

Remember also that through this blessing he is preparing, protecting, helping, forgiving and befriending us; and so much more, as we move on our way through this life toward our heavenly home. So this coming year then promises to be a good one and an exciting one, whatever happens, as God and his blessing goes with us. The Lord has blessed us this last year, and his continuing blessing goes with us in this coming year. To him be all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Luke 2:8-20. True Christmas Joy??? 25/12/06

(8) And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. {9} An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. {10} But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. {11} Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. {12} This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." {13} Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, {14} "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests." {15} When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." {16} So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. {17} When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, {18} and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. {19} But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. {20} The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Christmas is a time when we look for happiness and joy. We speak of it as a time of festivity and the imparting of Christmas cheer to one another. It is to be a season of peace and goodwill: of giving and receiving: and of family. You know the catch words – they are fed to us regularly through the media, ‘junk mail’ and where ever. It is all very warm and enticing; and it feeds into that deep longing that we have in our hearts. We all yearn for a greater degree of these things in our lives.

So at this time of the year our spirits rise within us. Holidays, gifts, parties: one after the other. Yes this is the life. This is what it is all about. More, bigger, better, all so that this spirit of Christmas may be stronger in our lives.

But, unfortunately the boss has put the pressure on in the lead up to this day. Working longer hours so the boss can make a few more quick dollars: late night and weekend shopping bites right in and puts the pressure on. Then when it comes to our buying of gifts. What do we buy someone who has everything. The kids have nearly all the toys that are on the go. No longer is it a few simple gifts with love in the heart; it has to be bigger and better; but oh so much more expensive. So the credit card is at its limit, and the squeeze is on. Then when it comes to the Christmas parties; it is another night out and another night away from the family. And the pressures continue; the spirit wanes.

The spirit of Christmas has been swallowed up by the commercialization of it all. Christmas has lost its glitter and sparkle. It is another thing that we have to do. It is just another party; another gift; another trying to lift the spirits in a life overfull of these things already. There are glimpses of that which is promised, but it is drowned out by all the competing forces. Despite the pretences and new gifts that will soon lose their shine, there is still left that longing for something more: something better: something far more significant.

The peace, joy and goodwill of this season has promised much but has again failed to deliver.

But to us here today, let us again hear another Christmas message: a message that has been drowned out by the commercialization that our society keeps throwing our way. Hear the message of the angels to the shepherds on that first Christmas night. "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Here remember that this is not just some nice fairy story, that has been written down to give some sense of wonderment to our children. This is God’s message to humanity. This is God’s message into our modern day Christmas. It is here in this message; when we are prepared to unwrap this gift, we will find that which gives true peace, joy and goodwill to all mankind. This gift continues on and on giving meaning and purpose to people no matter what they face in life; whether it plenty or nothing; health or sickness and death: whether in a great family or all alone. This gift works right into the very core of our lives and gives us all that we really need. This is good news of great joy that is for all the people.
This good news: this great Christmas gift, is that the Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. In Jesus, the baby born in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago, we have the Saviour being born. God himself has come to be with us: is with us now, and has eternal life for all. This surely is good news.

Or is it? Do we believe that we need a saviour? For most people in the western world, we don’t need a saviour. We have got it all. We have told ourselves that we are the centre of life itself. We just need to follow Jesus’ example and we will make this world what we want it to be. It is all ours and it is all up to us.

But as we truly listen and humble ourselves before him we are brought to the knowledge that we are sinful and that we desperately need the Saviour. Already at the beginning of the Bible we see what our problem is. We, like Adam and Eve, have told God to move over: we want to be the centre of life. We want to do what we want to do, instead of following what God has given us and told us is good for us.

We have set our opinions above what God himself has set down for us, and the results are nothing short of catastrophic. We have brought all kinds of troubles on ourselves and one another and most significantly death and eternal separation from God. Now in our selfish pride we still want to work against God: we try to eliminate sickness and death, and we even want to work our way back into God’s presence. But we cannot achieve it and are doomed to failure because of our sinful human nature. Without God’s intervention we are doomed to an eternity in hell.

However this is what makes Christmas so truly special and great. God sent his only Son as a gift into our world. He came as one of us, so that not only could he do what was necessary for our salvation, but just maybe we might listen to him and submit ourselves to him. He came as little baby, born in poverty and meanness: he lived as a normal human being, but without sin. He alone listened to God and followed his commands and ways. Then he allowed himself to be killed on the cross, so that God could punish him, instead of us. He gave his life so that we might have life: eternal life with God. He extended forgiveness of sins to each and every one of us – without exception. There is once again peace made possible between God and us; extended to us as a free gift.
This is his gift to you and me. Jesus Christ has brought forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to each of us. This is his Christmas gift to you and me. This is truly the greatest and most wonderful gift that we could ever receive. This is what makes true peace, joy and goodwill possible. This is what enables us to have the real festive spirit and be able to impart Christmas cheer to one another. We have peace with God: we have eternal life with him. This wonderful gift now impacts on everything else that we face and that we do.

This naturally then gives us hope and joy. Not the joy that is a bubbling over smile from ear to ear; but an underlying contentment which knows that no matter what we now face in life we have eternal life with God, which no one and nothing can take away from us. Now that we have Christ in us, we have that quite and sure confidence that He will see us through even when we face our crosses in this life, for we know that he himself goes and has gone before, and now uses all these things for good. God himself has assured us now that he is at work in our and through our lives, seeking to draw all people into his eternal kingdom.

That being the case, now we can share this joy and hope that we have now been given, with one another. We can impart this Christmas cheer with all others that we come into contact with. Not just today and tomorrow; but every day is now Christmas for us. God is with us; we can now share him with those that we come into contact with. We can share his peace and goodwill in all circumstances. And just as we have received from him; and that includes now seeing every gift that we receive from others as a gift given from God Almighty himself; now then we too can give.

Yes Christmas now has truly given to us all that it has promised. Peace, joy and goodwill has now come to us. Now we can celebrate and now we can live with confidence and hope. For Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Our Lord has come to live with us so that we can live with him for all eternity. To him then be all glory and honour now and always. AMEN.
A blessed Christmas to you all.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church