Romans 8:6-11. Living death or life??? 2/4/17
6 The
mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is
life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the
flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.
8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh
cannot please God.
9 You,
however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit,
if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the
Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But
if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of
sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And
if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who
raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because
of his Spirit who lives in you.
All three
readings this morning are dealing with the issue of death and life. All three
turn our worldly view of death on its
head. In connection with God there is certainty of life in the face of death.
There is hope and a future where there is death,
when and where God determines. At the same time if we turn our backs on God and
what he has to say, then he assures us that death
in all its severity will be there for us both in this life and in eternity. So
here we have a message that we surely will want to hear and ponder over. Here
is a message that is absolutely vital for each one of us.
Now here we
need to again remind ourselves why death is
here in the first place. Many today, would suggest that it is just part of life
in this evolutionary world. However again God’s Word is quite clear that God
created this world perfectly. It was very good. Also we were created to live in
a close personal, loving and obedient relationship with the Almighty God
Sadly, humanity
has chosen to disobey God, and to try and be god ourselves. We want to live by
and for ourselves and what we think is right and good. God told us right from
the beginning that if we do that we will die. Even though God made everything
good he gave us the free will to be in relationship with him. He didn’t make us
robots. Unfortunately, we have disobeyed him and now suffer the consequences.
Thankfully God
did not leave us in that predicament, but has provided a way out. He sent his
Son, Jesus Christ, into our world to take the punishment for our sin on
himself, so that forgiveness of sins, life and salvation could be extended
freely to each and every one of us.
But now the
question is, do we want this salvation and life, and a restored relationship
with God or not? Do we want this life
in the face of death, or do we want
to continue to live with death, here
and in eternity? This is the challenging question for us today. We would like
to think that we would, and have, said yes to this; but do we really want to
take seriously the implications of this? Too often we want the life, but not
the relationship with God.
This is the issue
that God here addresses in this reading from Romans. And as we look around us
in our society and even in the church we have many who a governed by the thinking of the world around about them. So death
is the basis of their lives. They are forever chasing ‘life’ but finding and
ending up with death. Very sad
Now when this
reading speaks of flesh it means
living with a worldly view of life
which is centre simply on what me, myself and I want and what our world around
considers is good. This puts us right back into the Garden of Eden and the
Fall. God said do not do ….. and we choose to do that very thing, because we
think it is good.
We read here
from God’s Word: The
mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law,
nor can it do so. Can we not see this at work around us today: There are
many in this country and in the media who are ‘hell bent’ on getting rid of
Christianity and the God who stands behind it. Many Christians in this country
today are being hounded out of their positions because they hold to what God
and his Word says.
As a result, we have it reported that many Christians are more afraid of
speaking out and standing up for their Christian values than in years gone by.
More and more we are seeing Christians downplaying their connection to Jesus
Christ and instead focussing on ethical and moral values that are less
contentious. The further we are going the worse it is getting.
We also read that those whose minds
are governed by the world do not submit to God’s law, nor can they do
so. So we see today this huge effort to bring into our society those things
that God tells us we should not do because they are not good. Here we only need
to think of homosexuality, pornography, abortion, drugs, and many other things.
The results are, lives that are trapped in death.
Sadly, even in
the church we are seeing more and more an acceptance of things that God has
clearly prohibited. We a changing and ignoring Scripture so that we can follow
the worldly view around about us. The law
is considered obsolete, because we do not want to submit to it. As in the paper presented for discussion this
afternoon, there is a real disregard for a right and proper approach to God’s
Word, so that it can be made to seem that God is quite okay with the move
toward women pastors in our church.
let us take note of what God’s Word says here. Those who are in the realm of the flesh
cannot please God. So when we follow the world and its thinking we are
clearly told that God is not pleased. When people disregard his Word and
disregard Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. God is not pleased.
Yes, God is a loving God, but he is also a God who looks to
us to seek to submit ourselves to his
law. We are not free to do as we
please, when God has clearly stated that we are not do these things. Clearly he
is not our Lord if we are not prepared to listen to and follow him.
Even when others outside the church who are in the realm of the flesh, are doing good thing, we are
told they cannot please God. Again
this is God speaking, even if we might like to think that they are good people.
In God’s sight if we are not doing what we are doing in response to Jesus
Christ and what he has done for us, then it is not pleasing to God.
However, we are not in
the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit
of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do
not belong to Christ. When God’s
Spirit lives in us our focus is in a completely different direction. We belong to Christ and so we look to him
and follow him. At our baptism we have been joined to him and his death and
resurrection for us.
We have God’s promise that his Spirit entered our lives at
our baptism and has ever since then sought to help us to live according to God
and his Word. He has entered our lives and points and leads to Jesus Christ. He
has been actively trying to help us to live in a close personal relationship
with our Lord. So with him our lives are focussed in a completely different
direction to the world around about us.
The danger of course is that we turn our backs on this Spirit and do not allow him to do all of
this for us. All too easily we can listen to the lies of the evil one and so
once again be governed by the flesh. We
can again turn to the idol of me, myself and I and so once again be overwhelmed
by death.
So here again
then The Spirit again is at work in
our lives turning us again to Jesus Christ. He reminds us again that we have
been baptised into Jesus’ death and resurrection. He tells us that Jesus is
there in us so that we can again have and live in this new life that he has won
for us.
And if Christ is in you, then even
though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life
because of righteousness. Yes,
we will still have our sufferings and death in this life; but when Christ lives in us we still have life. We have been assured that we are righteous, that is right with God,
because he has forgiven us and assured us of life and salvation, through his
death and resurrection. We have been thereby raised to new life.
And if
the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who
raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because
of his Spirit who lives in you. So we have there the certainty that with Christ living in
us we have life even though we die. We too will be raised again to share eternity
with him in heaven. There to live in a perfect relationship with him forever.
So with that we can now look to Jesus Christ and the cross
and get on with life with confidence and certainty. We have his Spirit with us constantly reminding of
the life that Jesus has made possible for us in the midst of the sin and death that we bring on ourselves. So we
no longer need to be governed by the
flesh and the death that comes
with it. With Christ in us we have life in all of its fullness.
We can now submit ourselves
to God’s law, knowing that it is good
and right. What we have in the Bible can be relied upon with confidence. We can
once more fully accept that everything written in the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant
and written word to us. Christ and his Word in us can be relied on with certainty.
So we can move forward boldly, placing our lives and our death in his hands. With him as Lord in
our lives we know that all will work out for good. His Spirit will raise our
mortal bodies, to be like his in glory. Will be able to live in a close
personal relationship with him in heaven forever.
To him then be
all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger
Lutheran Parish