Jeremiah 17:5-10. Life – a curse or a blessing 11/2/07
(5) This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD. {6} He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. {7} "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. {8} He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." {9} The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? {10} "I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."
Well today we certainly have it laid on the line for us. This reading places in front of us the two roads that can be taken in life. Each however has it’s consequences: One a curse – the other a blessing. Now of course, naturally we would think that we would choose the way that leads to blessing – wouldn’t we? Yet sadly it appears today as if we are choosing exactly the opposite road. It would seem that we are blindly following the blind, on a one way trip to destruction; and thinking nothing of it. ‘She’ll be right mate.’ Well if that is not madness I don’t know what is!
Let me use the illustration that God uses here in this reading. We are going to plant an orchard and we have two options as to where we plant it. One is a large fertile looking patch of ground with plenty of wide open spaces for expansion. It is flat even country and it needs very little clearing and preparation, and it looks green and lush. And we are told that we can have it for a very reasonable cost. However what we are not told is that it has no access to water. The other area is covered with a thicket of brush and bush. It backs on to a river – but its cost is somewhat exorbitant. Then we hear a little idle gossip around the traps that it would be stupid to go there, simply because no one else has gone there before.
So where would we plant our orchard? With today’s thinking, we would choose the first option, because it looks good and the world around us tells us it is OK. It would choose to go the way that is popular and easy, even if in the end it finishes up a total disaster.
But now of course when it comes to our spiritual lives we are not that stupid, are we? Or are we?
Today our society has placed great store on the abilities of humankind. It is us and our ingenuity – our technology – and the almighty dollar, that makes this world operate and which will make this planet a better place for the future. This is the fertile ground that we are establishing our hopes on for the future; even as Christians. But sadly we have forgotten that there are other important ingredients that are needed also for a successful life. We are blindly following the blind down a path that will lead to destruction; and yet most are not all that concerned. ‘She’ll be right.’
Even though we hear messages such as the one we have before us this morning, that : all who trust in humanity and its achievements will be cursed. We it seems would rather listen to the idle gossip and the chatter of our peer group out in the world, than to take heed to what God is saying to us.
Now of course many would say – ‘but look I believe in God,’ ‘I have my faith.’ ‘Surely we can have our faith and at the same time enjoy and be a part of all that is going on around us.’ We seem to think that by acknowledging God, our faith and that we live a reasonably good life, then we can do as we please throughout our life: we can place ourselves and our wants in the centre of everything. Like so many today, even when it comes to our Christianity, will, even if we don’t say it, believe that life is all about us: we are what life is all about. In so doing we are really thumbing our noses at God, and we think that we will get away with it. But that is not case – the message of our text makes that quite clear. To think along those lines is to put a curse on our lives.
Now look, this is not just Pastor Atze sprooking off, giving a few words in the hope of drumming up business. Jeremiah is quite clear about this. “Thus says the Lord.” This is God speaking; and if it is God who is speaking, then we had better sit up and listen. God does not play around with his words. He means what he says. So when he says that: “cursed are those who trust in mere mortals, and who make mere humanity their strength,” then we had better believe it and do something about it.
So this message is not just for those people out there. Each one of us needs to also look at our own lives, checking to see that we also are not trusting more in our modern technology and our human achievements, than we are in the Lord. We need to be sure where we stand – trusting in Lord - looking to him first and foremost. Understanding that he alone is the almighty Lord of all.
Now even though it may at times seem to the contrary that God is so great and that he has our good in mind. Even though he promises that those who trust in him will be blessed, and we look at times and fail to see how and where, he is true and trustworthy. We only need to look to Jesus Christ and his death on the cross to see that. There we come to know that there is no doubt that, for those who trust in Lord, they are blessed beyond measure. Yes our life here on earth may have it’s difficulties – even many - even for us as Christian – and in some cases, simply because we follow Christ. So outwardly, these blessings are not always seen. But we are blessed because the Lord himself says so. We are blessed because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our forgiveness and he rose again for the assurance of eternal life.
When it comes to our suffering, we need to recognise that it is often at those times of greatest difficulty when we are brought to see the depth of the blessing that God has in mind. When others are cracking under the pressure, these people have a peace and contentment that is beyond compare. For those whose trust is in the Lord, they deep down know that they do not need to be overly anxious. When others give up in despair – those who drink deeply from God’s Word still bear fruit. They know their difficulty is not the last word – and it is not punishment on them. But it is the Lord allowing them to go through that problem for a very good purpose – that he intends to bring blessing from it. Now ultimately of course, that is ours and others souls salvation; which is his greatest blessing of all. It is that what he wants for each and every one of us: eternal life with himself in heaven.
It is there at the end of one’s life, that we will finally see the blessing and curse of where we put our life’s trust. Sadly it is here that far too many today do not look past the end of their noses, to see our think about their ultimate end; and as a result that last day becomes an utter shock to them.
But for us who know, value and trust in the Lord Jesus, there is that wonderful blessing of knowing for sure that there is a great future ahead of us with our Lord; and that nothing and no-one can take it away from us; neither life, nor death; neither things past, present or future; difficulty or tragedy. Nothing except our refusal to trust in the Lord, can take away the wonderful blessing of the assurance of the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation that is our through our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is in that knowledge and in particular our looking to and trusting him who has done all of this for us, that we are then like the big gum trees that are planted on the river banks: pictures of health and vitality even in the most extreme of situations; blossoming because they have their roots deep in fertile soils and sucking deeply from the ample supply of water; even in the worst of droughts.
That being the case let us heed these words of our Lord himself: that; cursed is the one who trusts in humanity, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from Lord. But blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord and whose confidence is in him. The distinction is clear – the situation in the society around is evident – and the Word of the Lord stands sure.
So may our Lord move each and every one us to take this message to heart and help us to place our trust wholly and solely in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that this blessing that he has in mind for us, may be ours now and forever. God be with you all in this way. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
(5) This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD. {6} He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. {7} "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. {8} He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." {9} The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? {10} "I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."
Well today we certainly have it laid on the line for us. This reading places in front of us the two roads that can be taken in life. Each however has it’s consequences: One a curse – the other a blessing. Now of course, naturally we would think that we would choose the way that leads to blessing – wouldn’t we? Yet sadly it appears today as if we are choosing exactly the opposite road. It would seem that we are blindly following the blind, on a one way trip to destruction; and thinking nothing of it. ‘She’ll be right mate.’ Well if that is not madness I don’t know what is!
Let me use the illustration that God uses here in this reading. We are going to plant an orchard and we have two options as to where we plant it. One is a large fertile looking patch of ground with plenty of wide open spaces for expansion. It is flat even country and it needs very little clearing and preparation, and it looks green and lush. And we are told that we can have it for a very reasonable cost. However what we are not told is that it has no access to water. The other area is covered with a thicket of brush and bush. It backs on to a river – but its cost is somewhat exorbitant. Then we hear a little idle gossip around the traps that it would be stupid to go there, simply because no one else has gone there before.
So where would we plant our orchard? With today’s thinking, we would choose the first option, because it looks good and the world around us tells us it is OK. It would choose to go the way that is popular and easy, even if in the end it finishes up a total disaster.
But now of course when it comes to our spiritual lives we are not that stupid, are we? Or are we?
Today our society has placed great store on the abilities of humankind. It is us and our ingenuity – our technology – and the almighty dollar, that makes this world operate and which will make this planet a better place for the future. This is the fertile ground that we are establishing our hopes on for the future; even as Christians. But sadly we have forgotten that there are other important ingredients that are needed also for a successful life. We are blindly following the blind down a path that will lead to destruction; and yet most are not all that concerned. ‘She’ll be right.’
Even though we hear messages such as the one we have before us this morning, that : all who trust in humanity and its achievements will be cursed. We it seems would rather listen to the idle gossip and the chatter of our peer group out in the world, than to take heed to what God is saying to us.
Now of course many would say – ‘but look I believe in God,’ ‘I have my faith.’ ‘Surely we can have our faith and at the same time enjoy and be a part of all that is going on around us.’ We seem to think that by acknowledging God, our faith and that we live a reasonably good life, then we can do as we please throughout our life: we can place ourselves and our wants in the centre of everything. Like so many today, even when it comes to our Christianity, will, even if we don’t say it, believe that life is all about us: we are what life is all about. In so doing we are really thumbing our noses at God, and we think that we will get away with it. But that is not case – the message of our text makes that quite clear. To think along those lines is to put a curse on our lives.
Now look, this is not just Pastor Atze sprooking off, giving a few words in the hope of drumming up business. Jeremiah is quite clear about this. “Thus says the Lord.” This is God speaking; and if it is God who is speaking, then we had better sit up and listen. God does not play around with his words. He means what he says. So when he says that: “cursed are those who trust in mere mortals, and who make mere humanity their strength,” then we had better believe it and do something about it.
So this message is not just for those people out there. Each one of us needs to also look at our own lives, checking to see that we also are not trusting more in our modern technology and our human achievements, than we are in the Lord. We need to be sure where we stand – trusting in Lord - looking to him first and foremost. Understanding that he alone is the almighty Lord of all.
Now even though it may at times seem to the contrary that God is so great and that he has our good in mind. Even though he promises that those who trust in him will be blessed, and we look at times and fail to see how and where, he is true and trustworthy. We only need to look to Jesus Christ and his death on the cross to see that. There we come to know that there is no doubt that, for those who trust in Lord, they are blessed beyond measure. Yes our life here on earth may have it’s difficulties – even many - even for us as Christian – and in some cases, simply because we follow Christ. So outwardly, these blessings are not always seen. But we are blessed because the Lord himself says so. We are blessed because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our forgiveness and he rose again for the assurance of eternal life.
When it comes to our suffering, we need to recognise that it is often at those times of greatest difficulty when we are brought to see the depth of the blessing that God has in mind. When others are cracking under the pressure, these people have a peace and contentment that is beyond compare. For those whose trust is in the Lord, they deep down know that they do not need to be overly anxious. When others give up in despair – those who drink deeply from God’s Word still bear fruit. They know their difficulty is not the last word – and it is not punishment on them. But it is the Lord allowing them to go through that problem for a very good purpose – that he intends to bring blessing from it. Now ultimately of course, that is ours and others souls salvation; which is his greatest blessing of all. It is that what he wants for each and every one of us: eternal life with himself in heaven.
It is there at the end of one’s life, that we will finally see the blessing and curse of where we put our life’s trust. Sadly it is here that far too many today do not look past the end of their noses, to see our think about their ultimate end; and as a result that last day becomes an utter shock to them.
But for us who know, value and trust in the Lord Jesus, there is that wonderful blessing of knowing for sure that there is a great future ahead of us with our Lord; and that nothing and no-one can take it away from us; neither life, nor death; neither things past, present or future; difficulty or tragedy. Nothing except our refusal to trust in the Lord, can take away the wonderful blessing of the assurance of the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation that is our through our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is in that knowledge and in particular our looking to and trusting him who has done all of this for us, that we are then like the big gum trees that are planted on the river banks: pictures of health and vitality even in the most extreme of situations; blossoming because they have their roots deep in fertile soils and sucking deeply from the ample supply of water; even in the worst of droughts.
That being the case let us heed these words of our Lord himself: that; cursed is the one who trusts in humanity, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from Lord. But blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord and whose confidence is in him. The distinction is clear – the situation in the society around is evident – and the Word of the Lord stands sure.
So may our Lord move each and every one us to take this message to heart and help us to place our trust wholly and solely in the Lord Jesus Christ; and that this blessing that he has in mind for us, may be ours now and forever. God be with you all in this way. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
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