1 Peter 2:19-25. Bearing up under suffering 13/4/08
{19} For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. {20} But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. {21} To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. {22} "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." {23} When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. {24} He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. {25} For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
Here in this reading our Lord through Peter seeks to encourage us as we go forward as his people: Particularly as we go forward having to deal with suffering and difficulty. Here as in many other places, he reminds us and promises that, as his followers, life will not be a bed of roses: that we will still face all kinds of hardships and suffering; in fact more so because we are Christians. He tells us in Matthew that we have to take up our crosses in order to follow him. Yes, life will not be easy - especially as a Christian.
Yet here he has something most surprising to say to us in this regard. It is good thing that we suffer! He says; For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. Again in Matthews Gospel we are told that 'blessed are those who suffer." Here he tells us that if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called… Now that surely stands much of our thinking about suffering on its head and gives us a whole new thinking with which to face life and its difficulties; and helps us to be far more positive as we bear up against even the worst of what life dishes up to us.
Now if that is the case, we need to think a little more deeply at what he has to say to us here. Peter in this reading is firstly talking to house-slaves who where obviously being given a hard time by their bosses simply because they had become Christians. But in Peter’s letter it would seem that as Christian many of them were coming under severe persecution, and facing other difficulties as well. They were not yet at the point of being fed to the lions; but things were progressing in that direction.
Now today we may not be facing open persecution for being a Christian. However, more and more those who try to stand up for the truth are being given a hard time by the people around about them. It is becoming increasingly difficult to be able to stand by the truth of God’s Word and the real Good News of the Bible without coming under some pressure. On top of that we are living in a society which is increasingly loosing its way morally and ethically, and where this is creating enormous hardships for many, many people.
As well as that, many of us are struggling with difficulties and suffering which many times we bring on ourselves. We too, are often the source of our own suffering. Here Peter says there is no credit due to us when we suffer in those situations. We could say, it is our own stupid fault. A few simple examples would be: we drink and get drunk, then we must expect to have a hang over. Or we slack off at work and pilfer the till, or not give the service that is expected, then we can not be surprised if we get into trouble and lose our job? Or we treat others poorly and are disagreeable and quick to anger, is it any wonder that people will avoid us. Time and time again we bring suffering on ourselves in many different ways, and here there is no credit for us in this for having to bear it. There all we can do is to seek for forgiveness and ask for God's help to improve.
But there is another suffering that we often face in life and that is when we do right and suffer for it. This is what we find difficult to handle. A person works hard and makes a success of their business, and gets ridiculed for it; stories are spread and lies are told. Or a boss yells and screams at you and gets you to do all the ‘yuck’ jobs because you are young and a threat to their position. Or you are a good person – honest, caring, hard working, with no enemies, and yet as a young person you get struck down with cancer or some other illness. I am sure that you all could add other examples; and it is these that get to us.
However Peter tells us that when in the midst of this suffering we are conscious of God this is a truly commendable thing. When we take what is thrown at us and bear up to it in a Christian way, knowing for sure that God is with us, this is something very good. This is what we are called to as Christians. Through endurance in what is good, in the face of difficulty, commendation comes of it.
How can that be? How can we bear up to the pain of unjust suffering in this way?
Well here we are reminded that we have a great and glorious example in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose steps we are called to follow. But most importantly, he went through it all: suffered and died so that we might be forgiven for our sin and have the assurance of eternal life with our God for ever. No one, and nothing, can take that away from us. So even if they take our physical life from us, they cannot take eternal life with God from us.
But before we go too far here, let us look to Jesus and what he went through. Here we are told first and foremost, that Jesus was one who committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth. When people hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he made no threats, but simply entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. He in no way deserved any of what came his way, yet he bore everything that was thrown at him; placing himself before his heavenly Father's will.
Even though it cut him to heart and sweated blood over what was before him. And even though he cries out in agony and pain on the cross - he bears it all. He bears yours and my sins on himself and takes all the punishment that we deserve on himself. He goes to the cross and is forsaken by his heavenly Father. All so that we now can have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation: so that we can have healing - true healing: the healing and peace that we really need.
Yes, we have now been returned to the great Shepherd and overseer of our souls. Jesus did it all. He took it all for you and me. He took it because of God's love for us all. He wants us to be his very own and to be able to live the way he wants: the right way for us to live at peace with each other and with our Lord: And so that we can have the assurance of eternal life in heaven.
Now then, we can die to sin and live to righteousness. We can face everything that is thrown at us; and instead of falling into sin - now as we are conscious of all that Jesus has done for us we can bear it all: we can cop in on the chin. We can live for righteousness - live the right way in the midst of suffering. Instead of getting angry and upset by injustices to us, we can follow Jesus example, because we know that in and through him we now have it all. It doesn't matter what is throw at us. As we follow his way and example, and bear up to it; we now have the assurance of his grace to help us and his commendation as we do.
But more than that, through bearing up under suffering, we are allowing God to use that situation to make others think about that which is important in life. As others see that, as a Christian, we are able cope it all on the chin, knowing that in Christ we have everything that is important, God is able to work in these people’s lives, to see that Jesus Christ and his death on the cross is important to them also.
So, in conclusion, as you face your suffering, be strong; look to Jesus as your example and follow his example. All the while now remember that through Jesus and his suffering and death you have been returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. You are now safe and secure because of and in him. To him then be glory and honour now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
{19} For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. {20} But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. {21} To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. {22} "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." {23} When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. {24} He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. {25} For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
Here in this reading our Lord through Peter seeks to encourage us as we go forward as his people: Particularly as we go forward having to deal with suffering and difficulty. Here as in many other places, he reminds us and promises that, as his followers, life will not be a bed of roses: that we will still face all kinds of hardships and suffering; in fact more so because we are Christians. He tells us in Matthew that we have to take up our crosses in order to follow him. Yes, life will not be easy - especially as a Christian.
Yet here he has something most surprising to say to us in this regard. It is good thing that we suffer! He says; For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. Again in Matthews Gospel we are told that 'blessed are those who suffer." Here he tells us that if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called… Now that surely stands much of our thinking about suffering on its head and gives us a whole new thinking with which to face life and its difficulties; and helps us to be far more positive as we bear up against even the worst of what life dishes up to us.
Now if that is the case, we need to think a little more deeply at what he has to say to us here. Peter in this reading is firstly talking to house-slaves who where obviously being given a hard time by their bosses simply because they had become Christians. But in Peter’s letter it would seem that as Christian many of them were coming under severe persecution, and facing other difficulties as well. They were not yet at the point of being fed to the lions; but things were progressing in that direction.
Now today we may not be facing open persecution for being a Christian. However, more and more those who try to stand up for the truth are being given a hard time by the people around about them. It is becoming increasingly difficult to be able to stand by the truth of God’s Word and the real Good News of the Bible without coming under some pressure. On top of that we are living in a society which is increasingly loosing its way morally and ethically, and where this is creating enormous hardships for many, many people.
As well as that, many of us are struggling with difficulties and suffering which many times we bring on ourselves. We too, are often the source of our own suffering. Here Peter says there is no credit due to us when we suffer in those situations. We could say, it is our own stupid fault. A few simple examples would be: we drink and get drunk, then we must expect to have a hang over. Or we slack off at work and pilfer the till, or not give the service that is expected, then we can not be surprised if we get into trouble and lose our job? Or we treat others poorly and are disagreeable and quick to anger, is it any wonder that people will avoid us. Time and time again we bring suffering on ourselves in many different ways, and here there is no credit for us in this for having to bear it. There all we can do is to seek for forgiveness and ask for God's help to improve.
But there is another suffering that we often face in life and that is when we do right and suffer for it. This is what we find difficult to handle. A person works hard and makes a success of their business, and gets ridiculed for it; stories are spread and lies are told. Or a boss yells and screams at you and gets you to do all the ‘yuck’ jobs because you are young and a threat to their position. Or you are a good person – honest, caring, hard working, with no enemies, and yet as a young person you get struck down with cancer or some other illness. I am sure that you all could add other examples; and it is these that get to us.
However Peter tells us that when in the midst of this suffering we are conscious of God this is a truly commendable thing. When we take what is thrown at us and bear up to it in a Christian way, knowing for sure that God is with us, this is something very good. This is what we are called to as Christians. Through endurance in what is good, in the face of difficulty, commendation comes of it.
How can that be? How can we bear up to the pain of unjust suffering in this way?
Well here we are reminded that we have a great and glorious example in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose steps we are called to follow. But most importantly, he went through it all: suffered and died so that we might be forgiven for our sin and have the assurance of eternal life with our God for ever. No one, and nothing, can take that away from us. So even if they take our physical life from us, they cannot take eternal life with God from us.
But before we go too far here, let us look to Jesus and what he went through. Here we are told first and foremost, that Jesus was one who committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth. When people hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he made no threats, but simply entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. He in no way deserved any of what came his way, yet he bore everything that was thrown at him; placing himself before his heavenly Father's will.
Even though it cut him to heart and sweated blood over what was before him. And even though he cries out in agony and pain on the cross - he bears it all. He bears yours and my sins on himself and takes all the punishment that we deserve on himself. He goes to the cross and is forsaken by his heavenly Father. All so that we now can have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation: so that we can have healing - true healing: the healing and peace that we really need.
Yes, we have now been returned to the great Shepherd and overseer of our souls. Jesus did it all. He took it all for you and me. He took it because of God's love for us all. He wants us to be his very own and to be able to live the way he wants: the right way for us to live at peace with each other and with our Lord: And so that we can have the assurance of eternal life in heaven.
Now then, we can die to sin and live to righteousness. We can face everything that is thrown at us; and instead of falling into sin - now as we are conscious of all that Jesus has done for us we can bear it all: we can cop in on the chin. We can live for righteousness - live the right way in the midst of suffering. Instead of getting angry and upset by injustices to us, we can follow Jesus example, because we know that in and through him we now have it all. It doesn't matter what is throw at us. As we follow his way and example, and bear up to it; we now have the assurance of his grace to help us and his commendation as we do.
But more than that, through bearing up under suffering, we are allowing God to use that situation to make others think about that which is important in life. As others see that, as a Christian, we are able cope it all on the chin, knowing that in Christ we have everything that is important, God is able to work in these people’s lives, to see that Jesus Christ and his death on the cross is important to them also.
So, in conclusion, as you face your suffering, be strong; look to Jesus as your example and follow his example. All the while now remember that through Jesus and his suffering and death you have been returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. You are now safe and secure because of and in him. To him then be glory and honour now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
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