John 6:24-35. Jesus, bread that lasts!! 2/8/09
(24) Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus. {25} When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, "Rabbi, when did you get here?" {26} Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. {27} Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." {28} Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" {29} Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." {30} So they asked him, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? {31} Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" {32} Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. {33} For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." {34} "Sir," they said, "from now on give us this bread." {35} Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
This weeks text follows on from that of last week; and seeks to deepen our whole understanding of Jesus and how we need to see him. He is much more than a miracle worker. Much more than someone who is simply here to make our everyday life easier. Here we are reminded that Jesus is the bread of life. He is the one sent by God, to feed us with food that truly lasts. Yes, he has come so that we may find and have that which we need most of all: love, forgiveness, peace and life here and in eternity. He then, is what life is really all about; and we are called on to believe in him: to trust in him as the Lord of all of life.
Now, last week we heard how Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with one little boy’s lunch. But then, how he turned his back on the people because he knew that they wanted to make him king; merely for their own earthly benefit. Then here in today’s reading, they went looking for him and when they find him, he hits them with a few home truths.
He tells them straight out, that they are only interested in their stomachs; and that they really need to start thinking a little more deeply about life: Thereby to work for food which lasts. This then is something that we also need to consider here this morning.
Now what is life all about, as far as we are concerned? What is it that we focus so much of our life on and that we work so hard for? It also seems that when the pressure is on for us, we work even harder in these areas: Too often at the exclusion of that which is even more important. So we are left unsatisfied - feeling that something more is needed. Yet even then, we continue to look everywhere else but where we really need to be looking.
So what is it really, that we work at in life? Is it merely for this? - a piece of bread and what it symbolises. Look at it - is this all there is to life – food and a few outward pleasures. How long is this going to keep you going for? It wouldn't even keep the worms happy for a day. A loaf of bread wouldn't be too bad; but it still wouldn't keep us happy and satisfied for long. So we work hard to accumulate much more; too often at the expense of other more important things. But then, if we think about it; what good is 50 or a 100 loaves in the cupboard. To work at accumulating such a lot is also stupidity. It would soon go mouldy and useless; and then we are left even less satisfied.
But too often that is the attitude we have got - isn't it? To have and to accumulate; so that we can basically, eat, drink and be merry. This bread, [by that I mean, materialism and all that it stands for] is often all that is important to us. And we will do any amount of work to see that we have plenty of it.
But here Jesus reminds us; and in fact seeks to hit home the truth of it all to us. To look only at that aspect of life and work only for earthly benefits, is to let ourselves down badly: Because if that is all that there is to life for us, then we will have disappointment after disappointment. We in our search for happiness and fulfilment will be badly let down. In our desire for more and more from life, we will find less and less satisfaction. If you don’t believe me, have a good look around you and see the number of broken, spoilt lives in our community: ruined because our society has led them to think that this material aspect is all that there is to life. Here remember, that if this is all we strive for this is all we will receive: Thereby be loose out on eternal life. The reward you have worked on you have received to the exclusion of that which is even more important.
Here look at the priorities of many who are seeking at all costs to have and to gain, at the exclusion of all else. Look at them and learn something. Then listen to what Jesus goes on to say with regard to working only for that which is here today and gone tomorrow. Here remember also that there is one thing for sure in life and that is that we will all die sooner or later. Then it really doesn't matter how much bread we have got; whether we have got none or plenty. It can no longer help us.
So remember; this bread; materialism, is only one part of life. There is more - much more. There is another food, which has lasting value. There is another bread which we can eat and never be hungry: and which will never spoil or let us down. And here Jesus asks us to work for this food which has eternal value; and which is given to us freely by our Lord.
And what is this food? It is of course, nothing more or less than Jesus Christ himself. He is this bread of life, which lasts forever; and all who come to him will never go hungry. All who believe in him will never go thirsty. All our real and lasting needs are taken care of, in and by him. Yes, Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our real and important issues of life. Believe in him and there is fullness of life there for us: Life that lasts beyond this slice bread: beyond a full stomach: beyond a chequebook full of money: and beyond our three score and ten years that we have here on this earth as well. With the Lord Jesus, we have it all. With him, we have that which we can not and will not find anywhere else. And be sure that no one and nothing can take all of this away, that Jesus has to give.
So if we want to work at something valuable and lasting: If we want to search for something that gives real meaning to life. If we want to find satisfaction in life: then wake up and stop looking out there where the rest of our society is looking. Stop chasing after those things that they see as important, but which quickly spoil and let us down. Instead let us do the work that God requires - believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; and there we will have bread that lasts.
Now this believing in Jesus is not just remembering a few details about him, which we learnt in Sunday School and Confirmation lesson. It is not just sitting back and thinking that we have been baptised and thereby are somehow connected to the church; so she's right, we can do as we please. Believing is trusting in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. It is trusting that he is here as the bread of life. Trusting that he does know what life is all about: Trusting that he has taken care of our most important needs: Trusting that he has forgiven us because of his death and resurrection: Trusting that he is here for us in both the good and bad of life; and that he will not let us down. Trusting that no matter what, eternal life is ours in Jesus Christ. Yes, believe that he is what life is all about.
That now being the case, what is important to him becomes important to us. Now we can and surely will, stand up and set Sundays aside for our Lord and our worship of him, seeking all that he has to give and say to us: Now we can and will seek to treat others in a loving, forgiving way: Now we try to go about our business honestly, and know that it will still work out. Now we can live for the benefit of others and for God's kingdom, instead of being so selfish: and know for sure, that no matter what – we will never go hungry. Now we can even face death and know that there is a far better living, beyond; because with Jesus Christ we have the bread of life – the bread that lasts.
But how do we know? How can we be sure? There on the cross, you have God's sign that this is for real. Because of his death and resurrection, we can be absolutely sure that he is for us and that he wants only our good and the good of others. Here in this wafer of bread we have Jesus himself, given and shed for you: entering our body - our life and assuring us of the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. So we can take him seriously. We can trust him and follow his way; and know that it will all work out just as he says it will.
So then let us now feed regularly on this bread of life. Let us look to Jesus Christ and know that in him there is bread that has lasting value and which truly satisfies. Come to him and never go hungry. Believe in him and never go thirsty. That is his guarantee to you. Believe him and be blessed. Amen.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
(24) Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus. {25} When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, "Rabbi, when did you get here?" {26} Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. {27} Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." {28} Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" {29} Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." {30} So they asked him, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? {31} Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" {32} Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. {33} For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." {34} "Sir," they said, "from now on give us this bread." {35} Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
This weeks text follows on from that of last week; and seeks to deepen our whole understanding of Jesus and how we need to see him. He is much more than a miracle worker. Much more than someone who is simply here to make our everyday life easier. Here we are reminded that Jesus is the bread of life. He is the one sent by God, to feed us with food that truly lasts. Yes, he has come so that we may find and have that which we need most of all: love, forgiveness, peace and life here and in eternity. He then, is what life is really all about; and we are called on to believe in him: to trust in him as the Lord of all of life.
Now, last week we heard how Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with one little boy’s lunch. But then, how he turned his back on the people because he knew that they wanted to make him king; merely for their own earthly benefit. Then here in today’s reading, they went looking for him and when they find him, he hits them with a few home truths.
He tells them straight out, that they are only interested in their stomachs; and that they really need to start thinking a little more deeply about life: Thereby to work for food which lasts. This then is something that we also need to consider here this morning.
Now what is life all about, as far as we are concerned? What is it that we focus so much of our life on and that we work so hard for? It also seems that when the pressure is on for us, we work even harder in these areas: Too often at the exclusion of that which is even more important. So we are left unsatisfied - feeling that something more is needed. Yet even then, we continue to look everywhere else but where we really need to be looking.
So what is it really, that we work at in life? Is it merely for this? - a piece of bread and what it symbolises. Look at it - is this all there is to life – food and a few outward pleasures. How long is this going to keep you going for? It wouldn't even keep the worms happy for a day. A loaf of bread wouldn't be too bad; but it still wouldn't keep us happy and satisfied for long. So we work hard to accumulate much more; too often at the expense of other more important things. But then, if we think about it; what good is 50 or a 100 loaves in the cupboard. To work at accumulating such a lot is also stupidity. It would soon go mouldy and useless; and then we are left even less satisfied.
But too often that is the attitude we have got - isn't it? To have and to accumulate; so that we can basically, eat, drink and be merry. This bread, [by that I mean, materialism and all that it stands for] is often all that is important to us. And we will do any amount of work to see that we have plenty of it.
But here Jesus reminds us; and in fact seeks to hit home the truth of it all to us. To look only at that aspect of life and work only for earthly benefits, is to let ourselves down badly: Because if that is all that there is to life for us, then we will have disappointment after disappointment. We in our search for happiness and fulfilment will be badly let down. In our desire for more and more from life, we will find less and less satisfaction. If you don’t believe me, have a good look around you and see the number of broken, spoilt lives in our community: ruined because our society has led them to think that this material aspect is all that there is to life. Here remember, that if this is all we strive for this is all we will receive: Thereby be loose out on eternal life. The reward you have worked on you have received to the exclusion of that which is even more important.
Here look at the priorities of many who are seeking at all costs to have and to gain, at the exclusion of all else. Look at them and learn something. Then listen to what Jesus goes on to say with regard to working only for that which is here today and gone tomorrow. Here remember also that there is one thing for sure in life and that is that we will all die sooner or later. Then it really doesn't matter how much bread we have got; whether we have got none or plenty. It can no longer help us.
So remember; this bread; materialism, is only one part of life. There is more - much more. There is another food, which has lasting value. There is another bread which we can eat and never be hungry: and which will never spoil or let us down. And here Jesus asks us to work for this food which has eternal value; and which is given to us freely by our Lord.
And what is this food? It is of course, nothing more or less than Jesus Christ himself. He is this bread of life, which lasts forever; and all who come to him will never go hungry. All who believe in him will never go thirsty. All our real and lasting needs are taken care of, in and by him. Yes, Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our real and important issues of life. Believe in him and there is fullness of life there for us: Life that lasts beyond this slice bread: beyond a full stomach: beyond a chequebook full of money: and beyond our three score and ten years that we have here on this earth as well. With the Lord Jesus, we have it all. With him, we have that which we can not and will not find anywhere else. And be sure that no one and nothing can take all of this away, that Jesus has to give.
So if we want to work at something valuable and lasting: If we want to search for something that gives real meaning to life. If we want to find satisfaction in life: then wake up and stop looking out there where the rest of our society is looking. Stop chasing after those things that they see as important, but which quickly spoil and let us down. Instead let us do the work that God requires - believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; and there we will have bread that lasts.
Now this believing in Jesus is not just remembering a few details about him, which we learnt in Sunday School and Confirmation lesson. It is not just sitting back and thinking that we have been baptised and thereby are somehow connected to the church; so she's right, we can do as we please. Believing is trusting in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. It is trusting that he is here as the bread of life. Trusting that he does know what life is all about: Trusting that he has taken care of our most important needs: Trusting that he has forgiven us because of his death and resurrection: Trusting that he is here for us in both the good and bad of life; and that he will not let us down. Trusting that no matter what, eternal life is ours in Jesus Christ. Yes, believe that he is what life is all about.
That now being the case, what is important to him becomes important to us. Now we can and surely will, stand up and set Sundays aside for our Lord and our worship of him, seeking all that he has to give and say to us: Now we can and will seek to treat others in a loving, forgiving way: Now we try to go about our business honestly, and know that it will still work out. Now we can live for the benefit of others and for God's kingdom, instead of being so selfish: and know for sure, that no matter what – we will never go hungry. Now we can even face death and know that there is a far better living, beyond; because with Jesus Christ we have the bread of life – the bread that lasts.
But how do we know? How can we be sure? There on the cross, you have God's sign that this is for real. Because of his death and resurrection, we can be absolutely sure that he is for us and that he wants only our good and the good of others. Here in this wafer of bread we have Jesus himself, given and shed for you: entering our body - our life and assuring us of the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. So we can take him seriously. We can trust him and follow his way; and know that it will all work out just as he says it will.
So then let us now feed regularly on this bread of life. Let us look to Jesus Christ and know that in him there is bread that has lasting value and which truly satisfies. Come to him and never go hungry. Believe in him and never go thirsty. That is his guarantee to you. Believe him and be blessed. Amen.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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