Roger's Postings

Thursday, December 31, 2009

1 Peter 1:22-25. What is important? 31/12/09

(22) Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. {23} For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. {24} For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, {25} but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.

Well, here we are at the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. At this point, the question needs to be asked: are we any wiser and any better prepared for the future as a result of this last year? Have we learnt something that will enable us to better cope with the future and be able to be of help to others in the time ahead?

Now as we take an opportunity to look back; there has been a lot happen in our lives and in life in general. Each us of have had our personal traumas and good times. Our society, nation and world, has experienced all kinds of events, good, bad and otherwise. Without wanting to simply be pessimistic, we would have to say that by and large the bad has had a far greater impact than the good. The war in the Middle East; the Recession; Climate Change; Black Saturday; murders; accidents, the death of a loved one; and the list goes on.

But the real question is; have we learnt anything from these experiences to take with us into the New Year, or are we going to go blindly forward to face another year and again be hassled, frustrated and perhaps even devastated on many occasions? Are we simply going to head into the future hoping that somehow it will all work out for us, and that somehow the New Year is going to make all the difference?

Here we need to take note of what really has and is happening around us in these events that are far from what we expect, like or hoped for. Here, we must not be fooled by the bravado and self-confidence that many seem to show, or the help and good deeds that are done in the midst of these difficulties. Because most often these outward positives cover a great deal hurt and insecurity below surface. There is in these events a clamouring to find some good; some hope; so that we can avoid focussing on the real problem. That being the case we need to look deeply and learn, because as we look and listen we will find a great deal of wisdom in our text before us this evening. "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."

As we think about this, where are all the great self-made men of yesterday-year. We only need to think of the great Bond's, Packer’s and the like; but even when we think of those seemingly successful people of history, the end result is no different. The same goes for the ordinary, everyday men and women who are no longer with us. For all, their glory has withered and fallen to nothing: their lives and their good has been here today and gone tomorrow.

The lesson here for us all is that sooner or later we will all travel down that same road. It could be sooner than we think rather than later. No matter who we are or what resources we have at our disposal, not one of us can avoid this inevitable conclusion. Just because we are still alive at this point, doesn’t make us any better, or give any greater hope for the future. That surely is the first great message of this last year for each of us: the inevitability of death and the seeming meaninglessness of our lives, lies before each one of us.

In the midst of the disasters of life, there is only one thing that will carry the day. There is only one thing that continues to be there through thick and thin. That is where this reading before us then turns our focus and gives us any hope. Yes, mankind may be like grass and wither and fall; but the word of the Lord remains forever. God's Word is always there. Many a great man or woman has stood in history and had some great philosophy or good deed, but where are they today: Whereas the Word of God has carried right down through the ages to this very day. And I can assure you it will still be there long after you and I have departed this life. This Word has and will continue to give many people the one hope and assurance that we need to hear throughout. This Word points us to the once source of life that goes beyond the death that lies before us, and this Word assures us that those who are connected to this source of life have life beyond the death we experience here in these disasters.

So there is something constant and trustworthy in midst of the ups and downs of life, and above all in the face of the disaster of death that we all face. That surely is very Good News for us as we reflect on what has and is happening in our world and as we begin another new year. To know that there is something constant and trustworthy helps us make sense of all that happens in life, and enables us to go forward with a sure sense of confidence, peace and hope in the midst of the disasters of a world gone wrong.

Now of course that Word is going to be of no use to us if we ignore it and do not take it to heart. It is all very well saying, God will not let us down; but if we turn our backs on him and do not listen to and read his Word, and do not want to live in that relationship with him that he seeks for us, then can we expect anything but trouble? The Word is there to guide and help us. It does lead us on the path that is helpful for us and those around us. So take notice of what it says. Not just on those few occasions when we sit in church, but listening to and hearing God's Good News and directions for living, and being active in our relationship with him each and every day of our lives.

Then as we listen, read and meditate on that Word we will find that the God who stands in the midst of that Word loves us very much. He loves us so much that he sent his own dear Son into our world: into the very heart of our disasters. The whole message of Christmas is that God has come to be with us: to be with us in our troubles and death.

He came to be with us, to again remind us of why disaster and death are very much a part of our world and why we now cannot avoid them. He came reminding that it is the rebellion of humanity against God and our selfishness that is the root of every disaster. Because we do not take his Word seriously and we continually go against it, in order to simply do as we please, this is why we reap the disaster of death in whatever form it comes.

But God’s Son came to then go on and provide a way through death for us to then have life. So he came to be ‘with us’ and to take our sin on himself; dying on a cross so that we will not be punished, with an eternity in Hell: Instead that we might have forgiveness for all of our sin; all of our failings, and thereby have the assurance of eternal life with God in heaven. Then Jesus was raised again from the dead so that we can be sure that he has all power in heaven and on earth: over evil, death and every disaster: and that his promises are sure and trustworthy; so there is life and salvation for us in Jesus Christ. Now then, nothing need separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

So now, it is this Word of the Lord that stands forever, as God’s Good News in the midst of a disastrous world. This is the Word of the Lord that is as applicable today, as the day it was written, and will be throughout history.

So as we move forward into new a New Year, let us not forget this message. ‘All mankind is like grass, and all their glory is like wild flowers. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord remains for ever.’
And this word is the Good News of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, that has been preached to us, and into which we were incorporated when we were baptized. It is the same Good News of forgiveness of sins, life and salvation that we receive week by week as we come forward to the Lord’s Table and receive Jesus’ very body and blood which he shed on the cross for us all. It is the same Good News that now goes with us as we live out our lives every day and as we face every disaster and even death itself. For now we know, that nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

So listen and learn from the experiences of these past years, and the disasters of life. Most importantly listen and learn from the Word of the Lord for: there we have the one constant thing that we all need. There we find the message that we need to hear as we face life and death in whatever form it comes. For there we find that God himself is right there with us in the midst of every disaster that we face. Then, and then only, will we find and have great blessing as we go forward in life; and have the peace, hope and joy that is ours in Christ Jesus. So in a disastrous world, all glory and honour is to go to our great God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; for to him alone we can look and trust as we go forward and face life in whatever way it comes. A blessed New Year to you all. AMEN
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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