Roger's Postings

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Isaiah 66:10-14. The Importance of Church 4/7/04

(10) "Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. {11} For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance." {12} For this is what the LORD says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. {13} As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." {14} When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass; the hand of the LORD will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes.

Rejoice in the Lord and his Church, and be glad in it, all you who claim to be Christians. Rejoice greatly within the Lord's Church all you who are concerned with what is happening in the church and in the world. Find immense comfort, strength and joy from it as you live out your life here on this earth.

And why? Because it there in the Lord and his Church that we are and will continue to be fed, nurtured and given what we need in order to get through this life and into eternity. Here in this text we have the picture used of a baby suckling on its mother’s breast, to portray very well the true nature of the church and its importance to us.

But how often instead of being like a little tot, we are like rebellious teenagers: we think that we are grown up, and can get by on our own; that we can come and go as we please; that we are indestructible; that the church home is just there for our own convenience; and much more. Then we wonder why we are so unsettled, and why the peace of God seems to have deserted us. The thought of being babies; dependent on the Lord and his Church does not sit comfortable with us. We think we have grown up in our faith, and so do not need to regularly come to church and feed off of God's life-giving Word and Sacraments. We have turned ourselves into the centre of the situation; instead of God being the one who is all-important.

One wise Church father once said, ‘We can not have God as our Father if we do not want to have the Church as our mother.’ Now there is something in that for us to think about in this day and age. What he is saying, is that we cannot think we can be in a relationship with God and survive as a Christian if we do not seek the mothering aspect of the Church. And that mothering, homely aspect of the Church is something that is so important for the continued existence and wellbeing of each of us as Christians.

Now since this mothering, homely aspect of the church is so important, let us consider it a little more closely. Now mum and home is vital for our nutritional sustenance, and also for our sense of security and wellbeing. That is not just the case for a baby or child. However we know that a baby or young child soon squawks for mum when it is hungry and it is very much dependant on that nurture. So also, it will not survive without the shelter and care of the home. But throughout life, we adults also still look for and need our three feeds a day, a roof over our heads and a place to not only call home, but to be a home for us. In fact, in this area we are quite happy to over-eat and make gluttons of ourselves, and know the importance of a balanced diet in order to keep fit and healthy. Even as adults we make sure that we have a comfortable home and good and helpful support within, because that security and sense of belonging is so important to us.

Like-wise, our Lord provides regular opportunities for us to feed our spiritual lives and give us the shelter and security that we need. After-all there, we also, will not survive if we only come irregularly and live on a starvation diet. There also, we will not be healthy if we only live on junk food and nibble only a bit here and there. There also we will not have the security and care that we need if we are not there and involved regularly. But through regular contact with the Word and sacrament we will find the nourishment we need and the security and hope that we long for.

However, mum, home and the church are more than a place that we simply go for a feed. There also, we get the nurture, training and up-building we need for life. And that happens continually throughout our lives; often it happens without us even being aware of it; particularly in our younger years. But even when we are older, we learn from others around us informally, as well as through formal Bible study and training. Continually there is support, encouragement, advice and teaching in the home, family and church. Even when things are less than perfect, we can still hang in there and grow and mature in the midst of it all. It is only when we walk out that we fail to receive any benefits.

It is through the Church alone that we will find both formally and informally that we also receive the spiritual nurture, encouragement and training that we need. This comes through first and foremost regular Divine Service; as well as Sunday School, Christian School, Confirmation, Bible Studies, and through the encouragement, support and modelling of our fellow-believers. Even when this may be less than perfect, or sadly lacking, we still will grow and mature whilst we stay within the realm of God's family.

But also from mum, home and the Church we receive peace, comfort, and security as well. They are generally the one place we can go in the midst of the pressures of life to find these things. Because there we know that we are accepted and loved just as we are, even though we are less than perfect. There we are able to withdraw for a while from the pressures of life, and relax, put our feet up and receive the assurance that we are loved; that we are important and have something to offer. There we are able to recuperate and regain the desire to go out and once again confront daily life. There we know that we are safe. And there we find many other blessings as well.

So in just those few thoughts we can see some of the connections between a mother and baby, and our lives as Christians and the Church. It is here that we must surely wonder how many people survive as they are denying themselves of so much of the motherly, homely touch of the Church. So often, it is not that those aspects of the Churches life are not there, it is just that they seem to prefer not to avail themselves of those benefits. Too often, we think that we are OK, and so we live spiritually on a malnutrition diet, and close ourselves off from the help, security and peace that we need.

Sure, the church here on earth is less than perfect, as it is made up of sinful human beings. But every aspect of the Churches life that we need can be had, found and developed from within it. It is all there. It is only when we continually feed on junk food that we lose our taste for what we already have: or when we starve ourselves that we find our thinking goes fuzzy and we become disorientated. Or when we stay away from our church home, that we find that we don’t seem to belong and we lose our security and hope. Now of course we won't get the support, help, nurture and building up that we need ourselves if we are not prepared to be involved in all these aspects of the churches life or are too independent, proud or self-centred to seek it.

Whatever we might think of the church we must not forget that the Lord our God stands behind and within it; and it is he who empowers it to be what he has intended it to be. It is he who has promised that we will find all the nourishment, peace and security that we could ever want, in that which he has established; and in that which he promised that he would be, for us. It is he who gives his Church that motherly touch and through it enables us to flourish and have a well-balanced outlook on life. And above all, he is Almighty God himself and we surely, are subservient and dependent on him.

But it is only as we come as babes to simply receive all that he has to offer and give through the Church that we will find the nourishment, nurture and peace that we are looking for and need. As we nestle in and continually suckle on the basics of the Christian faith, we are promised that we will be satisfied. In fact, we will find enjoyment and security in our Church, as we make gluttons of ourselves with regard to God's Word and his many other blessings. Now there is a challenge for us!

Remember, our Lord has promised to send peace and wellbeing flowing through his Church in abundance. And that of course comes primarily in and through the Lord Jesus Christ and the message of forgiveness through his death on the cross. As we listen to and heed his Word regularly. As we live each day in light of our Baptism: And as we come forward week by week and receive Jesus’ body and blood at the Lord’s Table, we will be strengthened and encouraged for life; and we will grow healthy and strong. So as we suckle and feed off of him in and through the church and what it offers, we are carried along through life and experience the love and care that we so desperately need.

There in the church our Lord gives us all we need in order for us to go forward as his children. As we are fed, nurtured and given safety and hope through our involvement in our congregation, we are made strong and healthy, ready to face anything. And it is there that we experience the wonder and power of our Lord as he works in and through us as his church here on earth; and then there will truly be gladness within and throughout.

So we can see that the church and our involvement in it is a very important part of our lives. Let us not forget this, and ignore this message. In fact, let us work at allowing God to enrich us and others in this way so that we all gain something of these motherly, homely blessings that our God has in mind for us. Yes, we do have God as our Father, so let us think of the Church as our mother. And through it all may those blessings that he has promised, be ours. Then through it all, even more glory and honour will go to our great God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. After all, he alone deserves it, now and forever. AMEN

Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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