Roger's Postings

Friday, January 14, 2011

Isaiah 49:1-7. God’s purpose for you!! 16/1/11

(1) Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant nations: Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name. {2} He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. {3} He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendour." {4} But I said, "I have laboured to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing. Yet what is due me is in the Lord's hand, and my reward is with my God." {5} And now the LORD says-- he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself, for I am honoured in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength-- {6} he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." {7} This is what the LORD says-- the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel-- to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: "Kings will see you and rise up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you."

Christmas has come and gone; and already we are well into another new year: Life keeps going on and on; and the seemingly meaningless devastations continue to confront us. However, here in the midst of this life, we are reminded again that as God's people there is purpose for us here in the struggles of this life: A special purpose; that only you and I, and other Christians can do. We have been chosen to do something important for the good of the rest of society; for the rest of the world. Yes, we are here to help restore people back into God's family. For this to happen the light of Christ has to go out and be seen by others. And God has chosen for it to go out through us here; through you and me.

Now, this is an important message for us to hear; for too often we think of the Christian faith as something that is simply between me and God. As long as we keep up our own faith, that is the important thing. Others think that they are not capable or have the ability to be God’s witnesses to others. While others just feel tired and frustrated: feeling that all their efforts in the past have been in vain.
That is why we again need to remember and hear the message that we have here before us.

The first thing we need to be reminded of and to keep firmly in our minds is the fact that as Christians we are witnesses – you and I are the people that God uses to make his Good News known to others. Through our connection to Christ, this is now our life. There is no, if we want to, or if we have got the time or talent. We are his witnesses. God has called and chosen us to be his witnesses. He wants to use each one of us, to reach out to a lost, hurting and frustrated world.

That of course raises the question as to how good a witness we are. But that aside for the moment, we need to hear that this is now our purpose, because far too often we shirk this responsibility. We think too much, just of ourselves; or we think that it is up to the pastor and other key people; or we simply think that we can't do this, or it is a waste of time, or whatever. But no, God has appointed us. We are a witness at all times. It is just a matter of whether that witness is good or bad.

But as we reflect on this, surely at the core of our being as Christians is the wonderful, life-giving Good News of Jesus Christ. This Jesus came into our world and rescued us from an eternity in hell, both here on earth and beyond. In turn, he gave us peace, hope and life that is truly magnificent. Also at our baptism, we were joined to this Christ and all that he did for us: to this one who loved us so much that he was prepared to die on the cross so that we might have this forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. So we have that assurance that God now accepts us as a part of his family, and that he rose again so that we can be absolutely sure that he truly is God and that he is for real. This surely is that which is centre and core of who we now are and what is of vital importance for us as we live out our lives every day in the midst of suffering and frailty.

Since Jesus Christ is then the light of our salvation and life, we then will be a light to the world around us. As we live out our lives with Christ as that which is all important to us, others will see this, and we are good witnesses for Christ. Others will automatically see that there is something different and special about us: not necessarily that we have life any easier and better, but that we have a hope, peace and meaning to life which is beyond comprehension.
Also because of Christ and what he has done for us it will also mean that we will have greater love and concern for others around us. This of course will be in the everyday sphere of life, but also by seeking to point them to the Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. In this way, we display the splendour of our God, and all glory will go, and be sought to go, to him, rather than to ourselves.

Here as a little aside, if we are not good witnesses, and others are not seeing Christ in and through our lives, it is not up to us to try harder and to find a better technique. Surely, we need to go right back to the very basics: we need to get to know Jesus and what he has done for us. For once we truly know Jesus as our Lord and saviour and have faith in him alone; it will be seen: others will notice, and some will want to know more and will want to be a part of this new life.

But we might say along with Isaiah, ‘we have our faith and we have laboured to no purpose; we have spent our strength in vain and for nothing. The church is slowly dying and all the efforts that we have made seem to be falling on deaf ears, so what is the use; they are just not interested. So let us just look after ourselves.’ Or else we feel guilty and sad that some of our families have drifted and lost interest, and we just don’t know what else can be done. It is all too hard and beyond our being able to change things.

Yet here in Isaiah, as well as in many other places in Scripture, we are reminded that the results are not up to us; they are in Gods hands. We are simply to be witnesses to Christ and his Good News. When, where and how the Lord draws people, is his business. As with Israel, their time in exile came to an end and he brought his people home: maybe not as soon as the people wanted or expected, but it happened far easier and sooner than was ever earthly possible. So also will he bring back all who will allow him to. He will give them every possible chance. Let us remember that in these days God is speaking very clearly through the devastating floods that are being experienced in our nation.

All the while, we need to remember that our reward is already with our God. So we can give our all. We can live and be people in whom Christ lives and who know that together with him we have everything that is good and important; and so be his witnesses and light to the people around about us. Because we already have our reward: already we are guaranteed a place in heaven: won for us, not by our goodness, but by Christ himself; that surely gives us the courage and confidence to go out and seek to do the very best we can.

At the same time, God knows what he has in mind for the people around about us. He knows what is wanted and needed for their being restored back into God’s family; and he will use even tragedy to help people look to him once again and learn to rely on him.

Here also let us remember, this is not me speaking: not my wishful thinking; but this is the Lord who is telling us to know this; as well the fact that he is also our strength. He is the one who gives us this message; and who is true to his word. Again, his death and resurrection is our guarantee that this is what he has in mind for us and for the people that we come into contact with. So again, all we need to do is look to him, trust him, and get on with life in this world of ours as his witnesses.

Lastly, we need to keep in mind Isaiah’s challenge, where it is written, ‘is it too small of thing for us to be the Lord's servant:’ to be his instruments in bringing others back into the fold, and enabling the Lord's salvation to be known by all. Is this no big deal? Sometimes it may seem to us that it not all that important: that it is no big deal. But, we know and are reminded here that is: it is crucial because people’s salvation is at stake. We need to remember that this is a case of heaven or Hell. And most importantly, it is God and his glory which is at stake as well. So it is no small thing that we are a light to those around us who are in desperate need of it, whether they know it or not.

So with all this in mind, we have much in front of us as we go forward as God’s people. No matter who we are; as God's people, we are his witnesses: the people he has chosen to bring his salvation to the ends of the earth. So let us ensure as best we can, that we do show the light of Christ: the greatness of him who is saviour and Lord of all. To him alone be all glory and honour now and always. AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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