Roger's Postings

Saturday, August 18, 2012

John 6:51-58.              Eat the Lord Jesus and live????          19/8/12

 51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
52 Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”
53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.”

 Here we are again reminded of that which is absolutely extraordinary for us as Christians. We eat Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood and this maintains our life as his people; because, as a result he lives in us and we in him. We live as Christians because we feed on his flesh and drink his blood. Amazing! Absolutely amazing!

 Now it is interesting, that as much as this caused many people in Jesus day great concern, so also it does today. There are many today who want to have Jesus as a part of their life, but again it is on their terms. They want the benefits that he has to offer, but not Jesus himself and what he stands for. So they question and argue over what Jesus says to us here, rather than take Jesus at his word. They try to twist and change it to suit their own reasoning. Preferring to place greater importance on what we do or have to do, rather than on Jesus and what he tells us, and what he wants to give and do for us; and what is absolutely necessary for us.

 However, Jesus is here again making it very clear that we cannot have life apart from having Jesus Christ himself as the very essence of our life. Jesus is not just our motivation for living or our example of how to live. He is not some optional extra that we can have; like a handbag which we can take out when we need him.

Without Jesus Christ, we are dead: you have no life in you. That is what Jesus himself says. So yes many people may still be walking around as large as life, but they don’t have the essence of life in them; their life is futile. Beyond this life they have nothing. Even this life becomes one that is constantly lived with a feeling that there is something missing: there is something more needed.

 This we even find to be the case in our own lives to some degree: when we live our life without Jesus there at the centre of our life and we try to do things on our own, it’s not quite right; there is an emptiness to some degree; and life is a struggle. Because we try to work this on our own, we mess it up, and we are left wondering and doubting.

 However, here Jesus tells us quite clearly that in and with him we have that which will enable us to live; and even to live forever. We will be raised up at the last day. In Jesus we have that which will satisfy us to the full, here and now, as well as into eternity.

 Here Jesus uses the analogy of eating bread to our need to look to and trust in him. Without constant nourishment we would not survive. So we need to constantly feed on him. We need that which only he can give; and that is himself.

 Jesus says here in this chapter, ‘unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink of his blood, you have no life in you.’ They are big words from Jesus. He goes on to say, ‘this is real food’ - lasting food - life-giving food. So take in Jesus and everything he stands for: His word - his life, his death, his forgiveness, his resurrection, and his eternal life. Eat it - digest it - let it affect every part of your life. Eat the Lord Jesus Christ and you will live.

 Yes it is a hard teaching. But here we have that which is the very best. Now even though Jesus is not talking directly about Holy Communion, but of faith and sole trust in him, there is no doubt it is alluded to. It certainly goes hand in hand with it. For the Lord’s Supper is for our constant reassurance that we are forgiven and connected to Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection for us. For there we receive his very body and blood which he shed on the cross for us, and so have him live in us.

So in Holy Communion we have a great gift extended to us by God Almighty himself. Here we have not just the greatest assurance of God's love, forgiveness and life, but Jesus Christ himself. Here at the Altar rail Jesus himself comes to you and joins himself to you. There you are connected with the Lord’s death on the cross and his resurrection. Then because he is in you and you in him you can be absolutely sure that forgiveness and eternal life is yours. Yes here in bread and wine is Jesus Christ himself – really and truly present. Here is his flesh and blood - his very being: his living, loving and all powerful presence here for you and me.

 So then we don't need to say if only we lived back then and saw and heard Jesus. If only we saw him dying there on the cross, and the empty tomb, then we can be sure. Then we could have the confidence and willingness to live as a Christian every day. If only we could look forward and know for sure that we were in heaven for ever. If only we were taught all the right things, given the right experiences in life, and our church service was more uplifting and life-related, then we would be right.

 Well here it all is; because here is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Eat him, drink his blood, and live. This is what Jesus himself tells us. Eat him and we can know for sure that we have God himself in us. Here then is not just assurance of forgiveness and a reminder of Jesus and his death and resurrection: no - here he is; truly present for us.

 This then would have to be the most important thing that we can do as Christians. Here in the Lord’s Supper we have the greatest and most significant event that we could ever be a part of. Here God himself comes to us and gives himself to us. With that he gives us everything he is and everything he stands for: his glory; his life; his word; his love; his power and directions for living; and so much more. It all there for us - within us; as a result of our eating the bread which is his flesh, and drinking the wine which is his blood. This is just the greatest.

 This is why our liturgy is structured the way it is. This is why we place so much importance on what God does for us in this service and not on entertainment. That is why we have a sense of reverence and decorum to our Services, and why I robe up for services. We are dealing with holy things: our Lord Jesus Christ himself. We recognise that Jesus has set apart something infinitely special for us; and that he has called and ordained pastors to administer carefully that which he has for us. We understand how great and special this gift is that he has for us, and how important it is for our lives. Here he gives himself to us.

 Then having eaten his body and drunk his blood, we now have him in here as we go out from here and as live out our life every day. As we live in the rough and tumble of life we now have the greatest assurance that everything is going to work out OK. We have Jesus within us so that we can then go out and love, care, be honest and all the rest; because Jesus is right here within us giving us all that we need to enable us to do so.

 So every time that Holy Communion is celebrated, come forward and eat and drink Jesus’ body and blood, and then go forward confidently knowing that no matter what you face in life, you have one within you who has been through it all and come out the other side as victor: You have God himself with you. You have him who is the bread of life. So you now lack nothing - nothing that is of any importance; and you know that everything will all work out for the best.

What great encouragement this is for us here today. To be reminded again that the Lord Jesus Christ is the bread of life that came down from heaven, and that all who eat this bread will live forever. This is his great gift to you - to us. Eat it; drink it - digest it – and live each day knowing that there within you, you have that something that you will never find anywhere else. You have God almighty himself; And that with him you have real life, here and in eternity. So eat this bread of life and live. Amen.

 Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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