Hebrews 10:5-10. The
great Christmas Gift! 23/12/12
5 Therefore,
when Christ came into the world, he said:
and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; 6 with
burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased.
7 Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in
the scroll—
I have come to do your will, my God.’”
8 First he said, “Sacrifices and
offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you
pleased with them”—though they were offered in accordance with the law. 9 Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.”
He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10
And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the
body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Today in this reading we are reminded again of what
Christmas is all about. And here we are again reminded of how Jesus Christ
turns our common views completely upside down. We can see this very clearly at
this time of the year: Christmas.
As we listen to the many different messages as to the
meaning of Christmas that are presented both in the community and in many
churches, we very rarely hear what God’s view of Christmas is really all about.
For many today, it is simply another holiday and not
much more, except for the fact that society has made it a commercial holiday
were we are to spend up big, so that the economy can continue to grow and the
fat-cats can get even richer.
But by en large the message that we hear most of all
is that Christmas is a time for family togetherness and goodwill: A time of
loving and sharing. Mostly, there is not even a reference to Jesus and his
birth: although when pushed they may scratch back and remember that Jesus has
got something to do with it. But even then it is really all about what we make
of it and how we are to be more this, that and the other.
But probably that saddest of all is the message that
too often comes out from the churches themselves. The main focus is taken from
Jesus and placed in the same places that our selfish society places them. It is
still a message of giving and sharing; loving and the like: the emphasis is on
us and what we must make of Christmas. The emphasis is on us doing ‘stuff’ in
order to overcome the evils that are around us and on our giving in order to
make up for what is lacking in our lives and our relationships.
Is it any wonder that Christmas is hard work and a
difficult time for many, emotionally, relationally and spiritually? If our
giving and receiving, our gatherings, and having a happy and clear head in the
midst of all of this thinking is up to us getting it all together; then we will
find Christmas to be a real struggle. The pressure in on us to get it ‘all
right’ or we will not find the peace, joy and goodwill; and we will be left
guilty and depressed when it doesn’t always work out as we are promised that it
should. Is it any wonder that Christmas is seen by many to be spiritually empty
and dead?
Even, and probably especially, in the whole
gift-giving aspect of Christmas this is born out most clearly and
destructively. In our giving, the pressure is on us to find that gift that they
do not have and will appreciate; the cost of which is a huge burden for most
families. Then because we are giving to others who normally have too much as it
is, they will play with it today and tomorrow it will left on the shelf to
gather dust. So we have to get it right, no matter the cost, or else we will be
breaking the Christmas spirit. The emphasis is on the gift given and not the
reason for the gift.
Then in our
receiving of the gifts that come our way, we look forward expectantly to the
gift hoping for something really good; but often receive something that is, yes
nice, but not all that earth-shattering. We are expected to put on a happy
grateful face, even though it is another packet of chocolates or nuts or
something that will clutter up our cupboard with more stuff that we will only
use occasionally. In the end the gift is nice, but it is not life-changing and
giving us a joy and hope for the future. The message and the spirit of
Christmas is shallow and rather empty. Again the gift is the focus and not the
reason for the giving.
So the message and the reality of Christmas, though it
promises much, leaves people short-changed: the true meaning of Christmas is
all too often left out and so the secondary message of Christmas takes over and
leaves people under pressure and let- down. The secondary message, instead of
being the results of the true message of Christmas, now becomes what we have to
do in order for Christmas to be something special.
Here we need to remember that Jesus is the reason for
the season. Christmas is all about Christ – Christ come to be with us to get us
out of the mess that we have made for ourselves. Jesus is God’s gift to us so
that we can have peace and goodwill, instead of hassles, pressure and broken
It is only because of and in connection with Jesus that
we can have that which is truly Christmas. He alone can give us that which
makes Christmas, truly Christmas. It is only with his love for us that we can
truly love others and be in a truly good relationship with those around us. It
is only with the peace that he has made possible that we are able to be at
peace with those that we find difficult to cope with. It is only with his
blessing and joy that we can bring joy and blessing into the lives of ourselves
and others.
You see, it is not what we do, that will enable everything
to be good and rosy for us. He tells us that he is not pleased with Sacrifices
and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings. It is not what we do,
that will make everything right for us. That is impossible for us and also it
makes us the centre of the issue again. The
selfish, sinful nature that is within us will never be able to achieve what we know
should be there for us.
When the emphasis is on us and what we have to do, it
will never work. That is why everything goes so wrong in our world and our
lives: that is why everything is hard work and often so fruitless and
difficult. That is why this life, without Christ, is so full of trouble
hardship and finally death.
However that is the very reason for Christmas. God’s
very own Son came into our world as a human being to do the will of God for us. He
came right into our messed up world to do what was necessary for us to have all
that is good. He came for the very purpose of dying on the cross so that
we might have, freely available to us, forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.
That is God’s great gift to us this Christmas; Jesus coming to die so that we
can have all that is good and right, even though we do not deserve or can do
anything to attain it.
And by that will, we have been
made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
That is God’s amazing gift to us. That is what turns
our lives around completely. With Jesus Christ and his presence and forgiveness
with us we can now have peace and goodwill; hope and joy in our lives. It is
not something we have to do and manufacture in our lives; it is freely given to
us in our connection with him.
So this Christmas we don’t have to strive to have the
true Christmas spirit. It is not up to us to have the right gifts, attitudes
and all the rest. With Christ there as God’s gift to us, all the other gifts;
no matter how good or crappy, can now be given and received in light of God’s
gift to us. We can now give and receive our gifts as reminders to others of God’s
gift to us. Just as God came to us in a very humble manger for a bed and a
stable for his birthing suite, so does he come to us in the very ordinary gifts
that we give and receive.
In the same way he comes to us in our less than
perfect homes, hearts and relationships. He is there whether we have the huge
feast or the humble Cole’s brand necessities, to bring his blessing to us all.
He is there in our gatherings whether loved ones are missing or relationships
are in tatters. He is there with his
love and forgiveness so that we too can have that same attitude as best we can,
with one another. In the midst of our far from perfect little Christmas he is
there with his forgiveness, peace and sure hope so that all will be well for
So with that greatest gift, Jesus Christ in our
Christmas we have his peace, love and all the rest. His coming, life, death and
resurrection, enables Christmas to be truly Christmas. He there enables us to
have that true Christmas spirit in the midst of our less than ideal Christmas’s,
So may your Christmas be filled God’s great gift to us, his Son Jesus Christ,
our Lord and saviour, to whom belongs all glory and honour, now and always.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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