1:1-12. There is no
other Good News!! 2/6/13
1 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men
nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the
dead— 2 and all the brothers and sisters with me,To the churches in
3 Grace and peace to you from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to
rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and
Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
6 I am astonished that you are so
quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are
turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all.
Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert
the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven
should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under
God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If
anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be
under God’s curse!
10 Am I now trying to win the approval
of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still
trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
11 I want you to know, brothers and
sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. 12 I did
not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by
revelation from Jesus Christ.
morning’s reading strongly emphasises that there is only one Gospel; and apart
from that Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no other Good News. It stresses that
we need to be very wary of people who try confuse and pervert this Gospel; and this
can and does happen so very easily; even by some who may be very well meaning. The
point being that we need to be very careful in what we listen to when it comes
to our Christian faith.
like to use a modern day parable to illustrate how we need be careful in this
regard. It is a true story from a good few years back. Some of you may be aware
that some farmers in our country were caught out through their use of a chemical
called Dieldren in order to combat certain problems on their farms. They were encouraged
by certain authorities to use this chemical. To these farmers it was made to
look as if this was the answer to their problems; and most likely it was
effective in its short term results. It all sounded like very good advice at the
time, but little did they know that it would all end in disaster. That Dieldren
ended up poisoning their land and making it useless for a number of years. The
chemical build up was entering the food chain, making the produce that came
from that land unacceptable for human use. The moral of the story being -
listen to the wrong advice and you could be courting disaster.
Paul here warns us of much same thing - but with regard to our spiritual life; which
is of course a far more important area for us to be concerned about because of
its eternal results. Paul here reminds us - there is no other Good News except
that which is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet there are some who are trying to confuse
you and who want to pervert this Gospel.
sadly this is just as applicable today. This is coming out in two very
dangerous forms in our society today. On the one hand we have those who are
placing the importance of their lives on I, me and myself over and above what
our Lord has done for us and what his Word tells us. On the other hand we hear
much about ‘God loves us all’ and nothing about sin and the centrality of Jesus
death on the cross for our forgiveness.
both cases there is a confusion of the Gospel: there is a deserting of the grace
of Jesus Christ: that undeserved love that picks us up and accepts us even
though we don't deserve it. There is also a downplaying of the depth and
severity of our sin and therefore also of the importance of Jesus death on the
cross for our salvation. This is a very real danger for ourselves and others if
we follow these lines of thinking.
mean how can we in all honesty believe that Jesus died and rose again to save
us; and then basically go out and live as if there is no God, ignoring
everything of what he has done for us and to say about living life as his
people. How can we say we have new life in Christ - say that we are Christians;
and yet there is little attempt to live the Christian life: Our church
attendance and offerings to God's work are seen as no big deal, far less even
living out our faith each and every day. We all too often only seem prepared to
live for and serve self, first, last and only, rather than to love God and our neighbour.
often we seem to think that as long as we have some vague idea in the back of
our mind about Jesus, that’s all that matters. As long as we have been baptized
and come to church occasionally then all is well. In this way we pay lip
service to the Gospel; and yet have not allowed that Good News to touch and change
our hearts and lives.
we are like the guy who acknowledged that the park ranger and guide had all the
answers and directions when it comes to walking along a dangerous cliff in the park,
yet still insisted on going his own way. Despite the fact that the ranger had
hold of him and was trying to pull him back on the right path: on the safe, yet
scenic walk. Despite that he was determined to go his own way – and it took him
right over the edge of the cliff to his death.
else we are like the pauper who was handed a cheque for a million dollars, who
then promptly puts the cheque in his pocket and thinks that he is a wealthy man;
but then proceeds to live the rest of his life lonely and starving in the streets.
Jesus has saved us and has all the answers to life, yet, so often, we insist on
going our own way, living most of our life as if he and what he has done for us
is of no great importance: turning our backs on the Lord and his saving work: Thereby heading
straight into spiritual poverty and disaster.
many ways the second pitfall is so similar. Here again people acknowledge that God
loves us all, but then we don’t talk about or want to think about what he has
to say about sin and its consequences. Since he loves us we can ignore what he
has to say on all manner of issues. As long as we are loving [whatever that
means if we don’t care about the consequences of doing what is wrong and evil].
Word is very clear about issues of sexual immorality, homo-sexuality and many,
many other things. To be loving in the face of those things is to clearly state
that they are wrong and destructive and to do what we can to point them to
Jesus and the cross for forgiveness and help to live the life that God would
have for us. We cannot change what God has to say to us in the Scriptures just
so that we can be free to do our own thing. Yes, God loves the sinner, but he
hates the sin and in no way condones sin.
again we need to remember that sin is that desire within us that wants to do
what we want irrespective of what God says: It is disobedience to what God has
given to us as good and right: The consequences of this disobedience is death.
God’s Word is very clear about that. We cannot think that God does not care if
we go against his Word and try to change it to suite our own desires.
fact we only need to look at the cross to see how serious this issue is. That
is what our sin deserves. Yet as we look at that cross we don’t see ourselves,
but instead Jesus Christ. He willingly took the punishment that we deserve on
himself so that we might be forgiven and have the assurance of a new and better
life. Those who believe this have what he has won for us. However those who
turn their backs on it lose what has been won for them and face eternity in hell.
it is Jesus Christ who is the life now for those of us who believe. He is our
Saviour and Lord. And that means, he and what he has to say is what is all
important for us as we now go forward each and every day of our lives. In fact
we now look to allow him to do and work in us everything that he wants for our
lives. That means we also allow him to be our guide as to what we do not do and
be a part of.
is the Gospel that is to be proclaimed and lived. There is no other Good News
than that in Jesus Christ we have salvation and new life. He alone died so we
can be forgiven and brought back from death to life. He alone sets us free from
this present evil age and he is where we find the help that we really need.
is the only Gospel; the only Good News that we have and are given. There is the
news that encourages us forward into the future: The news that releases us from
the pressure to have to perform in order to be acceptable. But at the same time
it is news that picks us up and helps us to live out our Christian life each
and every day. This Gospel transforms our life from one of selfishness and self-centredness,
to a life of love and joy, and which gives all the glory to its creator and redeemer.
is there in this Good News of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross that I encourage each and every one of you to
look and place your trust in. Then you will not become confused and perverted
to something which is not Good News at all. Be wary of many of the influences
coming our way in this day and age that seeks to put this focus on us and what
we would like. Seek at all times to live in light of the truth that Jesus has
already saved us and has given us a new and positive life: a life that is
focussed on giving all the glory to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. There is
no other Good News than this – so hold to it for dear life. AMEN
Roger Atze
Lutheran Parish
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