Roger's Postings

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Colossians 1:11-20.          In Jesus – everything holds together        24/11/13

 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

 As we conclude another church year our focus is again drawn to the centre of all things: to that which is most important of all. Here it is made clear that this centre is way above and beyond anything else and yet gives meaning and purpose to everything that we see around us.

 Now having just been on holidays and travelling through different scenic country: Sitting alongside the water fishing and the like, leads very much into thoughts of our reading here today. Creation, nature and our world certainly is a marvellous thing. To look around us and to see the magnificence of our natural world and to be able to have enjoyment in it is really great.

 However I wonder in light of our text whether we have lost the correct perspective and understanding of all that we have about us. I certainly believe that most people today [certainly in our country] no longer see our world and all that we have available in it as is intended for us do so. As a result it has lost the order and harmony that should be there. We have used and abused all that we have available to us in ways that are far from satisfactory. Because we do not understand, or even want to know what the purpose of creation is, we lose much of the greatness and benefits that are there for us.

 You see, in our day and age humanity and the individual is seen to be very much centre and hub of everything: it is us who determines what is good, useful and important. So what we have around us is there merely for our good and enjoyment: it is seen simply in terms of being there for our benefit. Sadly that is way it is for many, many people today.  They have lost sight of the bigger picture and thereby the order, harmony and purpose of creation. It is hidden under our desire - our selfishness and self-centredness; and as a result we all too often spoil and damage much of what we see around us.  And more particularly we don’t find the true beauty, greatness and value that is there for us. Because we put ourselves in middle we run into all sorts of trouble, even though we think we are so clever and enlightened.

 Even those who go to the other extreme and say that the environment is the   be all and end all also lose sight of the true order and purpose of creation. They over-emphasise the importance of what we see around us; so they lift up the kangaroo, whale, tree or whatever as being all important. So for them the environment becomes the centre of life. So again they lose the plot and fail to see the true meaning and purpose of what we have around us.

 Even in the spiritual aspect of life we see the same thing happen over and over again. The focus is put on something that we see or do; saints, angels, speaking in tongues, or this or that program, and they are seen as vitally important. So these things become idolized at the expense of what is truly important. So again we run into trouble because these things are not kept in their proper perspective. When we lose sight of the bigger picture and that which is truly central to life we come unstuck and life fails to be what is intended for us.

 So with all of this in mind, we all need to listen again to the message that we have here in this reading. It is only with this understanding that we will see everything as it needs to be seen, and that we will truly appreciate it all as was intended. Only then will everything – the environment and enjoyment of it, us, God, and every other aspect of life – be in harmony as it should be.

 The main point of this message here is that it is only Jesus Christ that gives value to any of these other things. It is only in him that they all fit and hold together. It is only in him that each and every part has its meaning and purpose; and it is by and for him that all this exists and holds together; not us or anything else.

 In this reading we are told that it was by him that all things were created – everything: By him and for him. The Father worked through his Son Jesus to create everything in the splendid form that it is. So every other thing and being – other than God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are here as something that has and finds it’s reason and purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ – nowhere else. So to find where each part fits we need to look first and foremost to him who had a hand in placing it there.

 Unfortunately however, that is where most of us come unstuck. We have taught ourselves that we are descendants of monkeys.  We live and act as if much of this world stands separate: that it has no real connection to God or the Christian life. We think that we have to control and manipulate it because it is there purely for our benefit. But not that Lord Jesus Christ stands supreme over all and that it is only in and under him that it all exists effectively. Creation in whatever form it comes then finds its proper use and purpose as it focuses and works for the glory of its creator.

 The same goes for our church and the Christian life. We need to see that Jesus Christ and his death on the cross is central to all that we say and do. This is not just the case in our Sunday worship, but in everything that we do as his people. It also has much to say with regard what we believe. In everything Jesus Christ is to be seen and upheld as being what life is all about: He alone is to be glorified.

 We will give him that glory not just because he is God and was there at creation and that he is supreme over all things, but also because God through Jesus Christ has restored that relationship that existed at beginning of time but was broken by our disobedience and our desire to do our own thing. Through his death on cross Jesus destroyed that barrier that sin places between God and us. Then his rising again from death gives new hope and new life to all who would have it and the God who stands supreme behind it.

 And even though we live in a world suffering as a result of sin we now can have the certainty of knowing that we have been reconciled to God: that we are presented to God perfect – without blemish and fault; not because of ourselves – but the Lord Jesus Christ – to him be glory and honour now and always.

 Now then, life begins anew for all who believe: all who trust that Jesus has done everything necessary and that through our baptism we have become part of his body, the church: his family. In and through him we can now find that everything holds together and has a purpose. Now it is possible for us to live as we should be living, [even though we often fail]. Now we can see that life is not meant to be centred on ourselves or on any created thing. Now we are able to see that everything around us is not be used and destroyed simply for our own ends; but instead our whole life can focus on our Lord Jesus and give glory to our God for all he has done.

So as we now look at the beauty of creation we remember our great God. As we do our work, play or whatever, we do so in a way that we can give glory to our Lord. Even our money and material possessions; our sport and leisure are gifts to us to be used in order to help us and others keep our focus on him who gives us all our good gifts. And yes, even as we face difficulty and tragedy we do so knowing that is a result of sin, but also of the fact that our Lord Jesus has defeated its power to hurt and harm us. Even that he uses these to turn us ever back to looking to him as our helper and friend and as the supreme being in whom everything now is held together.  

 Therein we will find that it all works together in harmony and it all finds a meaning and a purpose that is good and wholesome. Then, not only will the glory go to where it belongs, but we ourselves will find a far greater sense of peace and belonging; and yes much joy and happiness.

 So now especially we will heed this message and see to it that what we believe and are a part of when it comes to our church-life, is all centred on and focussed on Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. There is no something more than that. Then we will also allow this Jesus Christ to be supreme in everything else.

 So as we complete this church year and then begin another let us remember this important lesson - that it is in only connection with our Lord Jesus Christ that everything holds together. It is created by him and for him. To him then be all glory and honour now and always.  AMEN.

 Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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