Roger's Postings

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Philippians 1:21-30                           What is life??                                                     21/9/14 

 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. {22} If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labour for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! {23} I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; {24} but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. {25} Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, {26} so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me. {27} Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel {28} without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God. {29} For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, {30} since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.
What is life? What is it all about? What are we here for? And what purpose do we have in life and what is it that will give us a real sense of satisfaction and fulfilment? These are important questions that we are being asked this morning and they are questions that we need to consider very carefully and seriously, because the answer we give has ramifications for all of life and also for judgement day. Our attitude to this also makes a great difference to what happens around us and in our own lives, no matter what we are doing, when or where. And it affects every single thing we do in our work and in our play: our living and even our dying.

 So what is life? What is it all about? Well, Jim again knew what life was all about. He had a good education, and in fact was well drilled about the importance of a good education, so that he could get a good job and so get on in life and be successful. His parents had made many sacrifices for him and made sure that he worked hard. These things were impressed on him as being of utmost importance in life.

 Well, now, years later, Jim was on his way to becoming a public service fat-cat. Already he had a sizable home, a sporty car and many other trappings of a successful life. He worked hard and he played hard, and so life was really go, go, go.

Yes, Jim appeared to have many of the trappings of a happy, successful life. Yet within, there was something still missing. He still wasn't at peace and happy within himself. So obviously he needed to get a bit further up the ladder; a few more dollars; a little more social engagement: so he worked harder and sneakier; he tried an extra-marital affair: all to no avail. In fact it all made things worse and worse.

 Why was Jim doing this? What was life for Jim? Well he was merely trying to be faithful to what he had been taught and what he has picked up from the media and society around him. He wanted to be the best he could, according to what was drummed into him from childhood. But somehow this ideal life just seemed to be eluding him; life wasn't producing what he was promised it should.

 Now the real problem was that Jim never realized that he had picked up a distorted view of life from those around him; and that this idea was very shallow, self-centred and short term: and that it was humanistic and ultimately destructive.

If we look carefully around us we will find any number of these distorted views of life.

- there are those who just don't give much thought at all to life and its meaning: they are just too busy existing for the moment. They see no value in the past and no point in looking to the future. Pleasure for today is all that counts.

- others think that wealth, materialism and popularity is what life is all about; and so they are out to accumulate as much as they can, while they can: even if it means squashing others. They are striving to make their mark on society as quickly and as powerfully as they can: Hoping that their name and stature will long be remembered.

- others again are more noble, and life is seen as an ongoing existence. These people believe in the need to live a reasonably good life and to do ones best to leave a better world for tomorrow: So they get involved in the ‘greeny’ movement and the like; but the greed, selfishness and destructive nature of our world brings it all to nought.

- and there are an infinite number of other thoughts and variations on these.

 Our world is full of misguided and misleading ideas of what life is all about: even amongst many who call themselves Christian.

 As we think about this we find that all these ideas come from man's perception of what life is. They are all what we sinful human beings think life is all about. They are simply human philosophies and human ideas. And they are all full of pitfalls and shortcomings. They are distortions of what life really is.

 But there is another view: another way. There is this whole idea that God presents to us here through Paul. Now for many this is a radical concept: a concept that they laugh at and deride as warped and stupid. But it is a view of life that has a fullness to it; and that does give meaning to every aspect of this life; as well as death and what lies beyond. That is far more than any of these other views give. And above all, this is the view that God himself has for us. This concept of life is what he wants us to go through life with so that we can have belonging, peace and certainty.

 So what is this view of life? What is the centre and heart of this life? Paul says: to me it is Christ - to me it is Christ. Christ is his life; his reason for living; his direction and purpose for all that he is and does.

 Look what difference that made for his life. Saul, the arrogant, self-centred, intellectual bigot, with no qualms about disposing of a few people to further his own ends: What an amazing change came over his life as a result of coming into contact with Jesus. Now he became dedicated to furthering Christ's cause, rather than his own. Now he was committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and to helping and caring for people. He wanted them to know all that Jesus has done for us through his life, death and resurrection.

 So instead of a self-centred life, he now knows the importance of focussing on Christ and the spiritual needs of others. He has in connection with Christ the courage and confidence to face anything: to stand up and be counted even under the most difficult of circumstances; whether he is facing the intellectual philosophers of day, or having stones thrown at him by people and being nearly flogged to death, or being chained up in a prison cell for his convictions. In fact he is even able to look forward to death with eager longing, waiting to be at home with his Lord and Master; but at the same time willing stay on and do the work that is still left for him to do, knowing that that is what Christ wants him to do.

 For Paul his whole concept of life and its meaning was all tied up with Jesus Christ. In fact he sees that his and our very existence itself comes from, and is connected to, Christ. Jesus died and rose again so that this life could be his and ours, so freeing us from any need for self-centredness. At our baptism God connects us to all that Jesus has done in order to give us this new life, new direction and new focus for living. So he has assured us that he is now a part of our life; with us every day of our life; strengthening and encouraging us to live our lives as he wants.

 At the same time we now known that by being connected to Christ we have that sure and certain hope that just as he was raised from the dead, so will we. Nobody and nothing can take away from us the love of God in Christ Jesus. So with Jesus in and with us and our Christian friends, what more could we want - what more could we need.

 So if that is life. If Christ is life and living for us; let us go from here determined to live that life we have in Christ: focussing on him and what he gives and what he wants from our life. Spending time, searching out how he wants us live through prayer, meditation and especially reading what he has to say to us in the Bible in this regard.

 It is there that we will find the way to the true life that we need and long for. There we will find that real living is tied up with being in close connection with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. With that in mind then, let us live and love to the fullest, each and every day: when we are working and playing; in church or out in the community.

 Yes let us remember of course that this life will not be at all easy, since our society encourages and promotes us to live otherwise; and when our human nature wants to be selfish and get its own way. We will need to stand firm and strong, ­focussing very much on Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. In and through it all may Almighty God give a richness to your lives; a richness that surpasses all understanding. And may this life in Christ be yours today and always.                 God bless you all in this way. AMEN.

 Pastor Roer Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish



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