Roger's Postings

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Galatians 4:4-7                                  Now, sons of God!!                                                        28/12/14

 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, {5} to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. {6} Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." {7} So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

 Christmas is over once again for another year, along with it almost another year, and now it is back to getting on with the grind of living. For most people the ‘Joy to the world’ is gone. Now it is once again coping with a thick head; the paying off of the credit card; and getting on with the realities of life. This brief interlude of Christmas into life is now once again all but gone: the excitement of new gifts is over; and again we are fast becoming bored and hassled with life.

 For many, sadly this Christmas has been no different than any other – here today and gone tomorrow. Like the square of chocolate that soon melts and is gone along with the pleasure that it gave. There is nothing left of Christmas but a few left-overs and gifts that are no longer new.  It seemed to promise so much; but the promise that was given was hollow: it fell way short of what was hoped for.

 But the problem was that many people again this year, forgot to open that one last gift. They had forgotten to take seriously that one present that truly does change life completely. They left it unwrapped: they did not listen to what the real message and promise of Christmas was all about. They thought that they could pick and choose what suited their own fancy. So that got excited about the peace, joy and goodwill, but forgot the giver of those things. In a sense they got excited about the wrapping paper, but forgot about the present.

 How often though isn’t this the case for each and every one of us? We think we know what it is all about: we look at those things which look good and which appeal to our senses; but we fail to consider deeply what it is that lies behind it all, and what the true value of it is. I am sure that we all heard and enjoyed the carols relating to Jesus and his birth, but often failed to consider what they had to say about this Jesus and why he came. We loved receiving our gifts, but showed little excitement when it comes to the Gift of Jesus Christ and the greatness of what he has done for us.

 As a result it is now back to the stress of trying to make a success of one’s life: trying hard to be acceptable to the world around us; and even to God. We continue to be frustrated by the let-downs and failures of our world. Wondering why God and everything is giving us a hard time. We try harder and harder to impress those around us; and in the process let go of more and more of those things that are of real value and help. And so we become lonelier and more alienated from others and from God.

 But that is not the way it is intended to be for us. Nor is it the way it has to be. Christmas really does mean that now things can and are so much different: so much better. This reading here this morning brings out for us just one big change that arises out of Christmas: A change that surely affects us way beyond Christmas. Here now we have been given a whole new and grand status in our relationship to God and each other.  Here we are given that which frees us from many of the stresses and hassles that affect so many around us.

 Hear again what God himself tells us through Paul: God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Did you hear that: as a result of Christ coming to be with us and dying on the cross for us we are children of God: sons and daughters, with Jesus as our brother. We are children of God, with all the good and the rights that that entails. That is what Christmas ushers in for each one of us. There is no need for anyone to miss out. The only ones that it does not apply to are those who turn their backs on Jesus and continue to want to live their own lives.

 Now to get the picture of being a son and heir is all about, let us put our minds to work for a few minutes. Imagine that you are a street kid living in the slums of Adelaide with no family and very little to eat. Then a very rich, powerful and loving family came along and chose to adopt you into their family. They are the ideal family in every way. I want you think what that would be like.

 From that families perspective your past has been completely erased. You no longer have to ‘sell yourself’ just to get something to eat. You no longer have to put up with people looking sideways at you and not wanting to have anything to do with you. You don’t have to worry that you might die of neglect and insecurity: All those bad and terrible things of the past, are now gone. At last there is a sure hope that the future will all work out well.

 Now you have a Father who is a real and caring dad in every way: Loving, kind, gentle, considerate, knowledge, powerful, yet willing to listen to your every concern and to help in every way. This Father has adopted you and made you an heir to everything he has and everything he stands for. Here remember that this great inheritance is guaranteed so that no one and nothing can take it away from you. It is all there for you in every way.

 Now that surely would be great, wouldn’t it?? No longer having to do this that and the other in order to just survive and exist, far less be acceptable. Now free to do many things because we have that assurance that we are loved and accepted. Wanting to do what is good and right so that this good relationship may be ongoing and helpful to others as well: Having the full rights, privileges and blessings that come from being a part of such a wonderful and powerful family.

 Now that picture we can grasp and understand. But really this picture is a reality for each one of us. As a result of Jesus’ coming into our world this is more than imaginations for us here. Because of Christmas: Christ’s coming into our world and his life, death and resurrection; we have been adopted into God’s family. We are sons and daughters of God Almighty himself. Jesus is now our brother. And as such, we have the full rights, privileges and responsibilities of being a part of God’s family. Because Jesus came into our world in love to satisfy God’s holiness and justice; we were redeemed: bought back, into sonship together with Christ.

 That is now what makes Christmas so special: God in Jesus came to us so that we might be sons of God. As children and heirs we can now be a part of and enjoy this family that it is the very best. We are guaranteed an inheritance into that which is truly great in every way.

 Sure, while we still live here on this earth, we will not be free from all suffering and pain. God does not promise us that: in fact the opposite. In many ways our illustration earlier also bears that out. Think of the hassles and troubles the rebellious young street kid will have when he has to find his feet in the new family. He will bring a lot of pain and suffering on himself and others as he continues to try and do things that are not right and good, but is a part of his street kid nature. There will be many time he will fail to see that the way of family is what is best. He will many times try to live by his own rules and do his own thing, only to suffer and cause suffering.

 Likewise that same thing is there for each of us in God’s family. We too will try to live by our own misguided rules and our own selfish interests and so place ourselves and others in difficulty and hardship. But remember the Lord is still there reminding us that he has died for us and has made us a part of his family. He will seek to use that suffering and pain to draw us closer to himself and what it means to live as a part of his family. He will continue to show his love and care toward us despite ourselves.

 Weekly as we gather together in his house he will remind us that we were adopted into his family through baptism into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. He will tell what he has in mind for us and has done for us, through his Word. Also in the Lord’s Supper he reminds us again that through his body and blood, that he died for us so that we can be members of his family. So regularly he is reminding us that he has made us members of his family; having all the rights and privileges of sons and heirs.

 Therefore we can now live with hope and purpose as we go forward into another year as God’s people. Now, we are sons of God, heirs of eternal life. So we can have peace and joy each day as we live as his people. Christmas now goes on for us each day. For the gift of Jesus Christ and all that he has done for us, is still with us and for us, and goes with us now and always. So as son and daughters of God, let us give him all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.

 Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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