Titus 3:4-7. A
major Christmas present 25/12/15
4 But when the kindness and love of God our
Saviour appeared,
5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had
done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the
washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our
7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become
heirs having the hope of eternal life.
A happy and blessed Christmas to you all! Again what a
great time of the year this is for us as God’s people – as Christians. Here we
are given a gift of a lifetime: A present that surpasses by far anything that
this world could give. The Lamborgini,
million dollar diamond necklace, even ‘perfectly behaved children’, do not come
anywhere near the greatness of what God has here for us.
At a time when we ‘have got it all,’ almost, from a
worldly point of view, we see the deep emptiness in life that is experienced by
so many. Fame and fortune do not equate with happiness and satisfaction. Loneliness,
depression and addictions are abounding more and more as we think these things
are what life is all about.
Much of our western world is struggling with life in
an age where materialism has been lifted up as the answer to life. On the other
hand, as a person related to me the other day, people in other parts of the
world are so happy and friendly even though they have very little. We think
that what I have, think, say and do is what life is all about. In fact, I, me
and myself has become life for us, and we are struggling big time: especially
at Christmas time.
Sadly for many in this day and age, Christmas has become
a sad, depressing and frustrating time. As we have become so turned in on
ourselves, these special times become those where we struggle the most. Family
breakdowns, loss of loved ones, financial pressures and more drag us down, when
they are held up as being what life is about. When Christ is taken out of
Christmas this is exacerbated even more.
That is where this time however becomes even more
important for us to focus on the real message of Christmas and how important
that gift is for our welfare as a whole; and even down to our day to day
existence. As much as Jesus Christ and the Christian message is said to be
irrelevant, it is every bit as important as it ever was. Without it Christmas
is the wrapping around an empty box of nothing.
In many cases I believe that people are rejecting
Jesus because the message they are given about him is not the central message
of the Christian faith. Christianity is too often simply portrayed as being about
God loves us and accepts irrespective; and that it is about living as good
people. Then Christmas is about us being kind, loving and accepting of each
other; about doing good to others; about giving and receiving; it is about
family time; and all that kind of things. Is it any wonder then that Christmas is
so hard for so many?
Surely Christmas is all about God coming to be with
us? The real message of Christmas is about
God, in Jesus Christ, coming to save us from the mess we have made of this
world and our lives. Because of our selfishness and rebellion against God, and
all too often against each other, we have brought troubles, sickness, death and
hell on ourselves. However he came for the very purpose of taking the
punishment for that on himself so that we might be forgiven and ensured eternal
life in Heaven with our God. He came to also point us to a better way to live
and act, that is good for us and our relationships with each other. In this way
and for this reason, Christmas extends to us peace, hope and joy.
This reading here spells out very clearly why
Christmas and Christ coming to be with us, is so good and important. Here we
see why Christmas is so much more than a time of giving and receiving,
indulgence and merry, and all that. Christmas at its heart has far greater and
more significant issues at stake, which gets to the really basic aspects of
life that are so important for our life and welfare.
This reading began with the words: But when the kindness and love of God
our Saviour appeared. Here we have very warm and encouraging words
with regard to God’s coming into our world. Now that should really strike us
hard if we reflect on it. After all, God is holy and all powerful; he is the
creator of this world, and you and me. So he is God and Lord: one to whom we
should look up to and respect; seek to serve and obey.
But as we know, we have failed miserably in this
regard, even though he told us if we do we will surely die and be separated
from God. It is not just a matter of we have slipped up here and there in some
small ways, but we have rebelled against God and clearly chosen to go our own
way and do our own thing. His holiness and justice thereby dictates that he has
to punish, most severely, this thinking and activity: punishable with death and
So with that in mind, God coming into our world should
surely be seen with fear and apprehension. As sinful human beings, God’s coming
should send shivers up our spine. Yet here we are told that he comes in kindness and love, as a Saviour. That is what makes Christmas
truly ‘Christmas’. Christ comes to be our Saviour. He comes to be judge and recipient
of the judgement. The holy one takes our sin on himself and is punished with
the full wrath of God. In turn he extends forgiveness and eternal life with God
to those who turn to him and believe what he has done here for them. Amazing!
Here we are also told that: he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but
because of his mercy. So here we are told very clearly that it is not
because of any goodness that we have in us that he did this. Elsewhere Scripture declares that because
of our rebellion we now have no goodness within us at all. Because of our
attitude toward him we are absolute scum. There is no reason at all why God
should save us.
Yet he does. His mercy:
his undeserving love is extended to us. Despite
the fact that we are garbage, he looks on us with love and sets about doing
what is necessary for us to be saved from this mess. His justice and holiness
is served by Jesus taking our punishment on himself, so that now he can freely
extend his love and acceptance toward us. This is what makes Christmas truly
Christmas. What a gift!
But there is more! He
saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy
Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our
Saviour. So to help us continually keep in mind this great thing he has
done for us and to personalize it for us individually, he gave us baptism and
the gift of his Holy Spirit. So now in the midst of the rough and tumble of
life we can know for sure that our salvation, acceptance into God’s family,
eternal life in heaven and more is ours; even when we don’t feel it.
The again that last sentence this is spelt out even
more: so that, having been justified by
his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal
life. Our baptism and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives assures
us over and over again that we are justified
by his grace: that is we are declared in the right with God because of God’s
love for us through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, even though we do
not deserve it.
All this he does so that we can become his heirs: His sons and daughters, brothers
and sisters. He has thereby made it possible for us to be with him for the rest
of eternity with the very best of everything. How amazing is that? What a great
Christmas gift this is? Surely now Christmas is truly Christmas?
Now there is Joy to the world, for the Lord is come.
Now there is Peace on earth, even in the midst of troubles, terrorism and war. Now
there is the sure hope for a great future for us despite what we see around us.
Jesus’ coming to be with us gives us all of this and more. This is what makes
Christmas, Christmas. This is the real message of Christmas that turns our
world upside and gives us that which truly does brighten up life for all who
believe in him who came as a little babe in a manger all those years ago.
So with this true message of Christmas may you have a
truly blessed Christmas and may you in some way impart that message with others
that you share this time with. Then also may this gift be with you for the rest
of your lives and give you true peace, joy and hope. To our great God Father,
Son and Holy Spirit then be all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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