9:35-10:8. The Kingdom of Heaven
is near!! 18/6/17
{35) Jesus went
through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the
good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. {36} When he saw the crowds, he had compassion
on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
shepherd. {37} Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful
but the workers are few. {38} Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send
out workers into his harvest field."
{1} He called his
twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and
to heal every disease and sickness. {2} These are the names of the twelve
apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son
of Zebedee, and his brother John; {3} Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and
Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; {4} Simon the
Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. {5} These twelve Jesus sent out
with the following instructions: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter
any town of the Samaritans. {6} Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. {7} As you go, preach this message: 'The
kingdom of heaven is near.' {8} Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse
those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely
society is struggling; and in many ways has given up on the whole idea that God
is here, with us and for us: It has put aside the whole idea that the kingdom of heaven is near. I am sure
that we all here struggle with this from time to time. I know that I do. Often
we wonder where in the world is God?
is our answer for the family and friends of a little boy tragically taken in an
accident? Where is God in the prayers that we send up time and time again, with
nothing seeming to happen? What has the kingdom of God got to do with the here
and now, in the midst of all the tragedies and hardships of life? Where is God
working, when nothing results from the preaching and administration of the
Sacraments week after week, when the Bible says that it is through those means
that he will grow the Church?
all struggle with these and many other thoughts along this line. There is a whole
world out there and in here, crowded with worried, helpless and hopeless people;
people caught in the web of life, from which there seems to be no escape. So we
bury ourselves in our work, pleasure, drink or drugs; anything as long as we
don’t have to think about these issues, for it is all too depressing. This is
our world today; harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd.
here in this reading, Jesus is sending us out to them all - with the clear message;
the kingdom of God is near. We who ourselves
are often struggling and grappling with this idea, are the ones Jesus is sending
out to help those around us. We are called to go out to these people and tell
them this simple message; the kingdom of God is near. In fact, he
says; As you go about your daily life, preach this message: 'The kingdom of
heaven is near.' No - more than that - we are called to take the kingdom of heaven to those people; to be
the presence of Jesus for them. That is what is being asked of you and me.
we need to ask, what does it mean that we are to go and preach that the kingdom of heaven near? Does it mean
that we go around like some and stand on the street corners or knock on door
after door, proclaiming that the end is near and that the prophecies of Revelations
are coming true, so you had better watch out or you will get caught out. Telling
them that God will judge them for their rottenness; so repent and turn back to God
for the Kingdom of heaven is near. Telling them that God expects us all to live
better lives and that we are to do this and that if we want to be saved.
yes, there is an element of that in this call for us; but there is much more;
and a far more important message involved in these words. It is not judgement
and judging that Jesus is primarily concerned with. We are told that as he saw the
crowds, his heart was filled with pity
for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
shepherd. It was pity that motivated Jesus to send his disciples and us out
with love for those who are struggling and lost. There is a whole harvest of them out there in the community.
Jesus day they maybe weren't contemplating suicide; maybe they were not caught
in a web of domestic violence or hemmed into an anti-social, self-centred
society; but they were still harassed and
helpless never-the-less. Today there are crowds of them; we are only too
well aware of that, if we read and listen to the news; if we lift our eyes
beyond our own self-centred, egotistical little world of our own.
message that God has here for them all, is, that despite what might seem to the
contrary, the kingdom heaven is near –
that God is not very far away from each and every one of us. He and his mercy
is every present for us; it is just that so often we are not aware of it; and
we don't recognise what is plainly obvious. Let me illustrate.
was a small business owner who was struggling under all the pressures of modern
business life: high costs and low margins; growing regulatory requirements and
constant bureaucratic changes; and much more; all placing a huge stain on his management
skills and brain power, causing him to wonder whether all the long hours, hard
work and uncertainties were worth it. He became so wrapped up in the difficulties
and struggles, that he no longer considered the working of God in his life. He
had too many other things to think of and hassle with.
became more interested in the fact that business down the road was sprouting
about how well he was doing, than the fact that his bank manager was not
hassling him and his clientele was still faithful. The constant adequate income
was no more seen as a blessing from God, but as that which seemed to be a
constant struggle to maintain. The growth or lack of it in his business was more
and more seen only in terms of the work that he had put in, and the costs that
he had to outlay. All the blessings and God's hand in it all was lost.
with that, he failed to see how God was upholding him and keeping him going through
his family, his friendships and the encouragement of his neighbours. He saw the
big salaries of his brothers in the top end of the city, but didn't stop to
think that he also had clothes on his back, a roof over his head, three good
feeds a day. The kingdom of God was
at work all around and through his life, but he couldn't see it – he didn't
recognise that it was there.
had long since rationalized to himself and others that it was OK to rip someone
off in a business deal if you can get away with it; after all everyone else is doing
it. He could slander others around him, because he felt that he might be better
accepted by others; he had to fight for his own rights.
deep down Jim knew that these sorts of practices were wrong and was what is wrecking
the morality of our nation. It bothered him that his relationships with others;
and with his wife and children in particular was a long way from what it should
be; that the false front of strength and a man who has got it all together,
belied the frailty and uncertainty that lay below the surface. He was harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd.
He longed for peace, love and contentment, but could no longer see that it was
all there for him.
was near to him. He was connected to God and the Church through baptism and his
attendance at worship, and had heard God's message many times. But now it no longer
sank in, for he was distracted by many things. As a result, he no longer
considered that the Kingdom of heaven
was already drawn near to him.
distractions meant that he failed to listen to the true significance of Jesus'
death and resurrection for his own life. When told again and again of the fact
that Jesus has died for him and everything he had done wrong and that in
connection with Jesus there was a whole new aspect of life there for him to
take hold of and live in light of, it never sunk in. His eternal salvation and
life was secure and certain, but he no longer recognised it.
The kingdom of heaven was ever so near to him and so many like him. But
the workers to help him see it
unfortunately are ever so few. Here though, is where Jesus reminds us that we
have our part to play. We are sent out to help those around us to see again
that God is not afar off. We are to remind each other by the little things that
we say and do, that God is involved and active in every part of our life.
We have received
without paying
from all the goodness of our Lord. In
our baptism we have been freely made children of God - heirs of eternal life; forgiven,
healed, restored; given new life. Thereby we know and experience the presence
and blessings of God Almighty himself - every day. We certainly have received
greatly without deserving it or having to pay for it; so let us give without
being paid – without expecting anything in return.
do have something to say - something to share - with others as we go about our daily
lives. We do have an important message for the
harassed and helpless - the kingdom of
heaven is near. Jesus Christ and his death on the cross alone is what gives
life and gives meaning to life. Without him we are nothing. With him and the
salvation that he has won for us we have that which enables us to live with and
cope with whatever it is that we face in life. Jesus Christ alone is what our
world around us desperately needs to hear. Here, remember, that we are the only
workers God has to get this message of love and forgiveness to all those around
us who need to hear it.
pray that the Lord will not only send you, but go with you, help you and bless what
you do in his name, as you go and proclaim that the kingdom of heaven has drawn near. For to our great God; Father,
Son and Holy Spirit alone belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN
Roger Atze
Lutheran Parish
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