Roger's Postings

Saturday, March 17, 2007

2 Corinthians 5:14-21 Under compulsion! 18/3/07

(14) For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. {15} And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. {16} So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. {17} Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! {18} All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: {19} that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. {20} We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. {21} God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Through this reading today God is challenging us with regard to a very important aspect of our Christian life. This is certainly one that we need to consider in light of much of the thinking that is about today, even in the church. The question at the heart of it all is; why are we living the way we are? Why are we doing the things that we are doing? As people, and especially as Christians, what is it that is, and should be, driving us to live out our lives every day?

Now for many, it is very much self and self-interest. We do in life what we want to do; and that is what we are very much taught to do. Along with that it is the world and our peer group around us that dictates what is right and wrong. Yes, even when it comes to the Christian life and church related issues.

However, here Paul is telling us of another way – the Christian way. In so doing he gives us real encouragement as we go forward in our lives as Christians. He says; it is Christ’s love which surely compels us forward. It is his love which not only drives us but also gives us a better way to live and act. Christ’s love surely is the critical factor in the living of the Christian life and makes for a whole changed approach to life.

Now I know that this love of Christ is the one reason that I am here doing what I am doing. My ministry is under the compulsion of the love that Christ has for me and for us all. If I had my way I would still be back farming. But this is what God wants for me, and so I do it. The only other choice, is really no choice at all, for it means going against the one who loves me so much. It means rejecting who he is and what he has done for me. So I do what Christ’s love compels me to do; to the best of my ability. Sure I fail and desperately need his forgiveness and help, but I am here because that is what he wants.

Now, surely, it is that same love that Christ has for us and all people, in that he died on the cross for us all that is the compelling factor for us all. That one death on the cross has made all the difference to our world. Because Jesus died the death that we all deserve to die; taking the punishment that should have been ours; being rejected by God so that God would not reject us; in so doing he restores to us that vital link between himself and us. We are once again children of God – a part of his family. Guaranteed by Christ himself.

So what a great thing it is that Christ has done for us. After only a few moments contemplating the significance of what it is that he has done for us, surely leaves us in utter amazement and thankfulness. Words surely cannot describe the magnificence of what he has done in his death on the cross for us. In fact it is so great that our only response surely can be one of being compelled to live and be the person that he wants us to be.

That is exactly what Paul goes on to say in this regard. Jesus Christ, died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. That death and resurrection changes our whole direction in life. It is not just something that saves us and brings us into God’s family, and then allows us to go on living our old way of life. No, it brings with it a whole new purpose and direction for life, as well as the energy and power to do so. We no longer live for ourselves and the way we think life should be lived. Nor do we need to live by the standards and gods that are set by the society around us. Instead we have a whole new set of values, directions and instructions for our lives. These are ones that are good and helpful for us all, for they all come from and are tied to this one who came to help us and die in our place. Jesus Christ now is surely our Lord and Master; the director and motivator for our whole life.

This salvation and new direction in life then flows on to give us a new way of looking at those around us. No longer do we need to look to and judge them by societies standards. We recognise that we all have our faults and failings: we all are sinners in need of forgiveness and a new life. At the same time we are able to see that together with Christ each one of them has enormous potential; because God will then be at work through them also.

So we see that Christ’s love for us, which drove him to the cross, ushers in a whole new life for us. A new focus, a new outlook and a new set of guidelines. We are a new creation; restored to a loving, trusting, intimate relationship with our Lord; all freely given to us by God Almighty himself.

What a difference this is to the garbage that the world out there pedals as being important. Out there the work you do, the power you have and the money and possessions that you acquire is the be all and end all. But we know that all too often, these things are here today and gone tomorrow. Self- fulfilment, gratification and rights that are so much sought after today, always ends in self-destruction. Along with that there are many other forms of deception that lead to nowhere but destruction in the end.

But we on the other hand have been given that which is important in life. Out of the sheer undeserved love of Christ, this new life has been given to us. It has changed our lives to such an extent that we surely can only stand in awe and amazement as to what our Lord has done for us. It is that greatness and importance that surely now compels us forward in life.

Now also we are under the compulsion to share that Good News with others that we come into contact with. Allowing God to work through us to help others know that their sin is also forgiven and will no longer be held against them. Allowing God to speak through us his message of reconciliation to our friends, neighbours and workmates. Compelled to share Christ’s love with them.

Also here I will mention the impact of God’s love on our giving as well. Our treasurer mentioned at the executive meeting that our giving is down. Yet here also, surely we know that it is through God’s love that we have everything that we have. We also know that he has promised to give us all that we need for ourselves and for every good work as well. We also know that he has given us a guide for our giving – a tythe – that is ten percent. So our great and all-powerful God has indicated what he would like; so for my part I am compelled to do the best I can in this regard. Knowing all the while that he will not let me down: and over the years he has not. For the sake of sharing how great God and his love for us is, I also encourage you to consider carefully your giving. But do so remembering that we can trust our gracious God because of his love and promises in this regard.

Yes, to conclude, surely Christ's love compels us in every aspect of our lives: doing all that we can to be the people that he wants us to be; always ready to share his Good News with others. He has done so much for us through his death on the cross: his love is so great; and now it surely compels us onward as his people. So go home today and ponder deeply over the extent of Christ’s love for us. Then may he so compel you to respond in the way the Paul is encouraging us here in this reading. Then will even greater glory go to our great God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For to him alone belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.

Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church


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