Genesis 11:1-9/Acts 2 To the glory of Mankind or to glory of God?? 27/5/07
(Gen 11:1-9) {4} Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." {5} But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. {6} The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. {7} Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." {8} So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth,
(Acts 2:1-21) When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. {2} Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. {3} They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. {4} All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them
{12} Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
{17} "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
{21} And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
In our readings this morning we have two contrasting pictures of human life, both running parallel with each other, but in opposite directions. One seeking the glory of mankind – the other, the glory of God. One showing mankind in it's sin – the other, people living in the realm of God's love and the influence of his Spirit. They express two realities for us to live by.
Perhaps without going any further, lets us look at the situation at the tower of Babel. In this situation we see something of what is happening today in our own society. In light of what God’s view of this event is, we should really stop and think. Now the situation at the Tower of Babel was that the people went out to build a great tower in order to make a name for themselves and to hold themselves together as a society. They thought that it was through their own great achievements that they were going to be able to solve all problems and have security and peace. They, by their own achievements, were going to make the world a better place to live in and they were going to be able to find their own way to be with God.
Now doesn't that all sound just a little bit familiar. Our society today is very little different, and in many ways our own lives mirror some of this. We today are out to make our world a better place to live in, by our own efforts: we want to find and create peace, harmony and happiness on a united front. We are constantly coming up with all kinds of new inventions and technologies to make things better and easier for ourselves: But above all to make a name for ourselves; and to hopefully somehow be a someone, so that we might be acceptable.
There it is, I believe, that we come to the bottom line of it all. It is all being done for the glory of mankind. No consideration for God and his ways in any of this. In fact it is back to the very sin of Adam and Eve; wanting to be equal with God and to have control over our own lives. The old, sinful human spirit is up to the same old tricks over and over again. Yes, on the surface, so often, everything looks very good and above board; but scratch the surface and we find that which is very deceptive and dangerous.
It is dangerous when we look at the end results. Ah yes, we are able achieve all sorts of great things, but God knows that all we end up in doing through it all is to destroy ourselves and most importantly our relationship with God. Our sinful human nature cannot do otherwise. Yes, we today have the capabilities of doing tremendous things: just by way of one example; in the area of genetic engineering, science is making all kinds discoveries in this human area. The latest that is publicly known is the cloning of embryos for experimental purposes. One wonders how far we are away from creating a monster that will do untold damage to our world. We certainly are wanting to play God – we are wanting to be lord and master - dictators of life on earth - without regard for God and his Word. Euthanasia, abortion and now the creation of life to destroy it, are good examples of where we are heading in this area. Deep down what we are saying, is move over God, we are going to do things our way. God and what he has to say is irrelevant, to what we want to do.
The result of all of this, though, is, as we are beginning to see, that the more the emphasis is placed on the glory of humanity, the more we see misunderstanding, disunity and loneliness. The more our Lord and his ways are ignored, the more that confusion reigns, Unfortunately this sad picture of the tower Babel is also so prevalent in our world today. The same end result is happening over and over again; and we are not coming to our senses. We are not waking up and realizing that this is the picture of the sin of mankind. Here we need to remember that in this picture there is no good news - no hope for the future. As much as all these so-called advances promise us much, if we leave God out of the picture we find nothing but chaos and the destruction of society and humanity as a whole.
But here today as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday we are reminded that there is also another picture; another happening that runs directly parallel, but in the opposite direction, to that which we have just explained. Here, of course, we are reminded of God’s work in the whole Pentecost event to help us to get a right perspective on all of this. And of the continuing outworking of the Holy Spirit in our world today to lead us in a direction that is good and helpful for us. In so doing we are also reminded of what it is it that the Holy Spirit is all about.
As we think of that first Pentecost day in the midst of the confusion that abounded in that city we see people being drawn together. Though people were there from all over the world, they heard in their own language all the wonders of God as seen in and through Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection. They heard plain, ordinary people saying and doing incredible things, not for the glory of mankind, but for the glory of God. God has sent His Holy Spirit to be with his people to lead and guide them in a good and helpful direction. His whole aim is to lead and guide people to Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins that he has won for us so that we can once again be united to God and one another. Then the flow on from that is to give us a way that we can live and approach life that is helpful, encouraging and that will benefit us all. It is all possible for us as God’s Spirit works amongst us.
So where the Holy Spirit is truly at work we have something that draws people together and unites them in good way instead of scattering and dividing. There is whole reversal - people drawn out of their loneliness and confusion because they are loved, forgiven and accepted; and are given an understanding of what life is really all about. They are given a new spirit which alters their whole focus of life. Instead of the focus being on self and what we humans want out of life, Jesus Christ is the name that is held up. Here there is the desire to live for and please this one who is all important: this one who has done so much for us. In Jesus and his death on the cross we are united to that which builds up rather than tears down. Here we are not only given the desire to love, but are united to the One who himself is Love. The more that he and his love becomes a part of our lives, the more that peace and harmony comes into our hearts, homes and communities, and a transformation begins to take place. Then instead of everything being done for the glory of self and mankind, it is done for the glory of God.
So we see the Holy Spirit was sent so that our focus is brought to Jesus Christ alone. There in his death on the cross and his resurrection, and our connection to him in baptism, we are united with him and one another. The Holy Spirit uses the Word and the sacraments to help us to know that we have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation in Jesus Christ, and so we have everything that is important. WE don’t need something more, so as to be seen to be OK, or as an assurance that our name is recorded alongside Jesus’. No, the Holy Spirit in giving us faith in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross has given that which gives the unity, peace and name which we need, for this life and the next.
So there we have briefly two pictures of life. The first one we are all a part of - we know that all too well. Too often we think and live only for self and the glory of humanity which leads us to confusion and loneliness. But the second picture has also broken into our lives here. The Holy Spirit is at work here in this congregation. The Spirit is at work through the Word and sacraments, taking the focus off of us and placing it where it truly belongs; on our Lord Jesus Christ. The more we allow the Spirit to centre our lives on Jesus the more we will glorify God by living, acting and speaking in accord with his Word.
So today I pray that the Holy Spirit will increase his work in each one us, so that more and more we may be drawn together with our Lord Jesus Christ; and that above all greater glory can go to our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For to him alone, belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Hymn 129
(Gen 11:1-9) {4} Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." {5} But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. {6} The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. {7} Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." {8} So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth,
(Acts 2:1-21) When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. {2} Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. {3} They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. {4} All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them
{12} Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
{17} "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
{21} And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
In our readings this morning we have two contrasting pictures of human life, both running parallel with each other, but in opposite directions. One seeking the glory of mankind – the other, the glory of God. One showing mankind in it's sin – the other, people living in the realm of God's love and the influence of his Spirit. They express two realities for us to live by.
Perhaps without going any further, lets us look at the situation at the tower of Babel. In this situation we see something of what is happening today in our own society. In light of what God’s view of this event is, we should really stop and think. Now the situation at the Tower of Babel was that the people went out to build a great tower in order to make a name for themselves and to hold themselves together as a society. They thought that it was through their own great achievements that they were going to be able to solve all problems and have security and peace. They, by their own achievements, were going to make the world a better place to live in and they were going to be able to find their own way to be with God.
Now doesn't that all sound just a little bit familiar. Our society today is very little different, and in many ways our own lives mirror some of this. We today are out to make our world a better place to live in, by our own efforts: we want to find and create peace, harmony and happiness on a united front. We are constantly coming up with all kinds of new inventions and technologies to make things better and easier for ourselves: But above all to make a name for ourselves; and to hopefully somehow be a someone, so that we might be acceptable.
There it is, I believe, that we come to the bottom line of it all. It is all being done for the glory of mankind. No consideration for God and his ways in any of this. In fact it is back to the very sin of Adam and Eve; wanting to be equal with God and to have control over our own lives. The old, sinful human spirit is up to the same old tricks over and over again. Yes, on the surface, so often, everything looks very good and above board; but scratch the surface and we find that which is very deceptive and dangerous.
It is dangerous when we look at the end results. Ah yes, we are able achieve all sorts of great things, but God knows that all we end up in doing through it all is to destroy ourselves and most importantly our relationship with God. Our sinful human nature cannot do otherwise. Yes, we today have the capabilities of doing tremendous things: just by way of one example; in the area of genetic engineering, science is making all kinds discoveries in this human area. The latest that is publicly known is the cloning of embryos for experimental purposes. One wonders how far we are away from creating a monster that will do untold damage to our world. We certainly are wanting to play God – we are wanting to be lord and master - dictators of life on earth - without regard for God and his Word. Euthanasia, abortion and now the creation of life to destroy it, are good examples of where we are heading in this area. Deep down what we are saying, is move over God, we are going to do things our way. God and what he has to say is irrelevant, to what we want to do.
The result of all of this, though, is, as we are beginning to see, that the more the emphasis is placed on the glory of humanity, the more we see misunderstanding, disunity and loneliness. The more our Lord and his ways are ignored, the more that confusion reigns, Unfortunately this sad picture of the tower Babel is also so prevalent in our world today. The same end result is happening over and over again; and we are not coming to our senses. We are not waking up and realizing that this is the picture of the sin of mankind. Here we need to remember that in this picture there is no good news - no hope for the future. As much as all these so-called advances promise us much, if we leave God out of the picture we find nothing but chaos and the destruction of society and humanity as a whole.
But here today as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday we are reminded that there is also another picture; another happening that runs directly parallel, but in the opposite direction, to that which we have just explained. Here, of course, we are reminded of God’s work in the whole Pentecost event to help us to get a right perspective on all of this. And of the continuing outworking of the Holy Spirit in our world today to lead us in a direction that is good and helpful for us. In so doing we are also reminded of what it is it that the Holy Spirit is all about.
As we think of that first Pentecost day in the midst of the confusion that abounded in that city we see people being drawn together. Though people were there from all over the world, they heard in their own language all the wonders of God as seen in and through Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection. They heard plain, ordinary people saying and doing incredible things, not for the glory of mankind, but for the glory of God. God has sent His Holy Spirit to be with his people to lead and guide them in a good and helpful direction. His whole aim is to lead and guide people to Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins that he has won for us so that we can once again be united to God and one another. Then the flow on from that is to give us a way that we can live and approach life that is helpful, encouraging and that will benefit us all. It is all possible for us as God’s Spirit works amongst us.
So where the Holy Spirit is truly at work we have something that draws people together and unites them in good way instead of scattering and dividing. There is whole reversal - people drawn out of their loneliness and confusion because they are loved, forgiven and accepted; and are given an understanding of what life is really all about. They are given a new spirit which alters their whole focus of life. Instead of the focus being on self and what we humans want out of life, Jesus Christ is the name that is held up. Here there is the desire to live for and please this one who is all important: this one who has done so much for us. In Jesus and his death on the cross we are united to that which builds up rather than tears down. Here we are not only given the desire to love, but are united to the One who himself is Love. The more that he and his love becomes a part of our lives, the more that peace and harmony comes into our hearts, homes and communities, and a transformation begins to take place. Then instead of everything being done for the glory of self and mankind, it is done for the glory of God.
So we see the Holy Spirit was sent so that our focus is brought to Jesus Christ alone. There in his death on the cross and his resurrection, and our connection to him in baptism, we are united with him and one another. The Holy Spirit uses the Word and the sacraments to help us to know that we have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation in Jesus Christ, and so we have everything that is important. WE don’t need something more, so as to be seen to be OK, or as an assurance that our name is recorded alongside Jesus’. No, the Holy Spirit in giving us faith in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross has given that which gives the unity, peace and name which we need, for this life and the next.
So there we have briefly two pictures of life. The first one we are all a part of - we know that all too well. Too often we think and live only for self and the glory of humanity which leads us to confusion and loneliness. But the second picture has also broken into our lives here. The Holy Spirit is at work here in this congregation. The Spirit is at work through the Word and sacraments, taking the focus off of us and placing it where it truly belongs; on our Lord Jesus Christ. The more we allow the Spirit to centre our lives on Jesus the more we will glorify God by living, acting and speaking in accord with his Word.
So today I pray that the Holy Spirit will increase his work in each one us, so that more and more we may be drawn together with our Lord Jesus Christ; and that above all greater glory can go to our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For to him alone, belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Hymn 129
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