Matthew 2:1-12. Wise People?? 10/1/10
(1) After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem {2} and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." {3} When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. {4} When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. {5} "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: {6} "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" {7} Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. {8} He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him." {9} After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. {10} When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. {11} On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. {12} And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
Our reading here this morning tells us about the coming of the wise men to see and worship Jesus. But what is it that made these men wise? At the same time, we need to consider what criteria we use to determine who is a wise person? Then also we are drawn to think about who the wise people are for us today: who are the people in life who we look up to as the ones who have got it all together? Is it those men from the East or would we sooner follow in the steps of King Herod? This is something we all need to ponder long and hard over at the present time; because there are many who think they are wise, but in many ways, they are too clever for their own good. They know a great deal – have an enormous amount of knowledge, but in reality are fools, because they fail to use the knowledge they have in the right way and more importantly they have a wrong focus in it all.
As we think about this, we find that by today's standards it would seem that King Herod is the truly wise one in this story. He had power and authority – the best of living conditions; He could get on with all kinds of people including the despised Romans. And according to this reading, he even wanted to know where Jesus was born and wanted to worship him.
Herod put on the guise of being interested in these men and what they were on about, and that he was a religious person; but in reality was out to serve himself, and himself only: to get out of life what he could, while he could; even if it means killing a few innocent, defenceless children, as we find King Herod did when he heard that this little baby Jesus just might happen to be king one day: he was out to maintain his power and position, whatever the cost. There we have the wisdom of Herod for you. There we have the wisdom of much of the world today.
Today here in our own community, we have people who would call themselves Christian: who call themselves religious and spiritual people, who operate by the same philosophy of life. Who have stopped going to church regularly; who stay away from church in their droves so that they can play their sport, work, or do other things, and they are the smart ones: They don't get too committed- don't go into things too deeply, and stay very shallow in their faith, thinking as long as they are a reasonably good person it will all work out alright: or who think that they can flit from this church to the next and it doesn’t really matter: and they all think that they are wise?
Now, we have many very knowledgeable people today, who have done years of study and know all kinds of scientific theories; but their thinking has become all screwed up and their knowledge has become destructive instead of helpful: Who put their theories and ideals into obtaining selfish power and wealth, and couldn't care less about people, and who think that they don't need to heed God and his Word. And they think that they are wise. Yet they don't have the wisdom to understand that this is why God has allowed the moral decline we have in our nation at the moment and the other difficulties that we are facing in our community at the moment. By thinking only of self, glory, and riches more and more people will become lonely, frustrated and suicidal. And yet we think that we are wise.
Let us think again. Why is it, that history declared those men from the East to be wise? Was it because they were intellectuals - highly educated people - people who were into astrology? Was it because they were obviously fairly well off as we can see from their gifts? Was it because they could mix it with the rich and famous? No, that is not why they were called wise. They were deemed to be wise because they made their quest for God. They took him very seriously; and when he gave his sign to them, they sought after him - they knew he was for real – they knew he had an important message for them and us all. They knew full well the importance of God for all of life, and they took time out to find him and worship him: in fact they went miles out of their way to worship him. Now, no doubt, they were busy men also - they would have had things to do, places to go, and people to see - just as urgent as our work, families and the like are for us. But they put themselves out because they knew God to be all important. He was not someone to be taken lightly - to be sought after only when it suites us. No, it is he who holds the destiny of all things in his hands and who has power over the whole world. So they sought after him, instead of their own selfish desires. For this, they were deemed to be wise.
Secondly, they were considered to be wise because they were prepared to seek guidance. They saw the star and were prepared to follow its leading. At Jerusalem they went and asked those who should know for their assistance, and they got the help they needed from those who went to the Scriptures for their guidance. They didn't poo-hoo the Bible as being outdated and of little use, or try to twist and change it to suite their own thoughts and desires; but instead heeded the advice and prophecies given from it, even though they were given hundreds and hundreds of years beforehand. And as a result of their humble acceptance, they reached the Christ-child, and then even allowed God to lead them to go home by another way, instead of keeping favour with Herod. For this, they were wise.
Finally and most importantly however, as wise men they worshipped Jesus: They saw him as king - king over all God's People. And even though he looked nothing like king: Just a small, insignificant baby – the son of a lowly carpenter – a nobody. They saw and understood him to be one who was ‘specially sent’ - who would do great things for his people. And they worshipped him as such: they knelt before him and presented him with gifts that befit the birth of a king. In fact, they gave him their very best - not their left-overs – gold, frankincense and myrrh - nothing was too good for their king.
As a result of all of this, they have been considered wise, right down through the ages. Yes, they were wise because they took the Almighty God seriously, and sought after the saviour who they were told had come into our world, and they worshipped him as such. So these men now stand as a wonderful example to us all. There we find in those men from the East what constitutes one who is truly wise.
Now, as we began, there is something here for us to ponder on – long and hard. For there are many today who thinking they are wise, but are nothing but fools. Sadly, this occurs both within and outside the church. There are many today who do not take the Almighty God all that seriously, and who are prepared to twist and turn Scripture to suite themselves; or who seem to worship what they can do for God rather than God himself. Then there are those who seek after all kinds of other gods – power, prestige, material possessions and the like, and are prepared to follow in the way that leads to destruction. Sadly, it seems that they are not even prepared to give it a second thought. But like Herod, their day will come.
But for us here, let us learn from these wise men from East: let us recognise that the Almighty God is the One who is all important in life, and seek out our God in and through the Lord Jesus Christ; seeking genuine guidance in doing so, and then giving him our very best: worshipping him and seeking to live in a way that is pleasing to him and which builds up his kingdom. Let us make this a top priority in our lives; not because these efforts will save us - that has already been done for us by our Lord Jesus Christ; But because he is God and King, and that he has far better things in mind for us.
And to conclude, let us remember that our wisdom for the future will not come primarily from the education system of our country, money, material possessions, power and the like; but from God alone. There in Jesus Christ we find true life and its meaning: there in him we find salvation, forgiveness and love; there in the Scriptures, as we take it as God’s Word, we find all that is truly valuable and worthwhile. So let us be wise also. Let us not allow anything to distract us from the importance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and King. Let us worship him and give him our very best. For to him alone belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
(1) After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem {2} and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." {3} When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. {4} When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. {5} "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: {6} "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" {7} Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. {8} He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him." {9} After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. {10} When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. {11} On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. {12} And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
Our reading here this morning tells us about the coming of the wise men to see and worship Jesus. But what is it that made these men wise? At the same time, we need to consider what criteria we use to determine who is a wise person? Then also we are drawn to think about who the wise people are for us today: who are the people in life who we look up to as the ones who have got it all together? Is it those men from the East or would we sooner follow in the steps of King Herod? This is something we all need to ponder long and hard over at the present time; because there are many who think they are wise, but in many ways, they are too clever for their own good. They know a great deal – have an enormous amount of knowledge, but in reality are fools, because they fail to use the knowledge they have in the right way and more importantly they have a wrong focus in it all.
As we think about this, we find that by today's standards it would seem that King Herod is the truly wise one in this story. He had power and authority – the best of living conditions; He could get on with all kinds of people including the despised Romans. And according to this reading, he even wanted to know where Jesus was born and wanted to worship him.
Herod put on the guise of being interested in these men and what they were on about, and that he was a religious person; but in reality was out to serve himself, and himself only: to get out of life what he could, while he could; even if it means killing a few innocent, defenceless children, as we find King Herod did when he heard that this little baby Jesus just might happen to be king one day: he was out to maintain his power and position, whatever the cost. There we have the wisdom of Herod for you. There we have the wisdom of much of the world today.
Today here in our own community, we have people who would call themselves Christian: who call themselves religious and spiritual people, who operate by the same philosophy of life. Who have stopped going to church regularly; who stay away from church in their droves so that they can play their sport, work, or do other things, and they are the smart ones: They don't get too committed- don't go into things too deeply, and stay very shallow in their faith, thinking as long as they are a reasonably good person it will all work out alright: or who think that they can flit from this church to the next and it doesn’t really matter: and they all think that they are wise?
Now, we have many very knowledgeable people today, who have done years of study and know all kinds of scientific theories; but their thinking has become all screwed up and their knowledge has become destructive instead of helpful: Who put their theories and ideals into obtaining selfish power and wealth, and couldn't care less about people, and who think that they don't need to heed God and his Word. And they think that they are wise. Yet they don't have the wisdom to understand that this is why God has allowed the moral decline we have in our nation at the moment and the other difficulties that we are facing in our community at the moment. By thinking only of self, glory, and riches more and more people will become lonely, frustrated and suicidal. And yet we think that we are wise.
Let us think again. Why is it, that history declared those men from the East to be wise? Was it because they were intellectuals - highly educated people - people who were into astrology? Was it because they were obviously fairly well off as we can see from their gifts? Was it because they could mix it with the rich and famous? No, that is not why they were called wise. They were deemed to be wise because they made their quest for God. They took him very seriously; and when he gave his sign to them, they sought after him - they knew he was for real – they knew he had an important message for them and us all. They knew full well the importance of God for all of life, and they took time out to find him and worship him: in fact they went miles out of their way to worship him. Now, no doubt, they were busy men also - they would have had things to do, places to go, and people to see - just as urgent as our work, families and the like are for us. But they put themselves out because they knew God to be all important. He was not someone to be taken lightly - to be sought after only when it suites us. No, it is he who holds the destiny of all things in his hands and who has power over the whole world. So they sought after him, instead of their own selfish desires. For this, they were deemed to be wise.
Secondly, they were considered to be wise because they were prepared to seek guidance. They saw the star and were prepared to follow its leading. At Jerusalem they went and asked those who should know for their assistance, and they got the help they needed from those who went to the Scriptures for their guidance. They didn't poo-hoo the Bible as being outdated and of little use, or try to twist and change it to suite their own thoughts and desires; but instead heeded the advice and prophecies given from it, even though they were given hundreds and hundreds of years beforehand. And as a result of their humble acceptance, they reached the Christ-child, and then even allowed God to lead them to go home by another way, instead of keeping favour with Herod. For this, they were wise.
Finally and most importantly however, as wise men they worshipped Jesus: They saw him as king - king over all God's People. And even though he looked nothing like king: Just a small, insignificant baby – the son of a lowly carpenter – a nobody. They saw and understood him to be one who was ‘specially sent’ - who would do great things for his people. And they worshipped him as such: they knelt before him and presented him with gifts that befit the birth of a king. In fact, they gave him their very best - not their left-overs – gold, frankincense and myrrh - nothing was too good for their king.
As a result of all of this, they have been considered wise, right down through the ages. Yes, they were wise because they took the Almighty God seriously, and sought after the saviour who they were told had come into our world, and they worshipped him as such. So these men now stand as a wonderful example to us all. There we find in those men from the East what constitutes one who is truly wise.
Now, as we began, there is something here for us to ponder on – long and hard. For there are many today who thinking they are wise, but are nothing but fools. Sadly, this occurs both within and outside the church. There are many today who do not take the Almighty God all that seriously, and who are prepared to twist and turn Scripture to suite themselves; or who seem to worship what they can do for God rather than God himself. Then there are those who seek after all kinds of other gods – power, prestige, material possessions and the like, and are prepared to follow in the way that leads to destruction. Sadly, it seems that they are not even prepared to give it a second thought. But like Herod, their day will come.
But for us here, let us learn from these wise men from East: let us recognise that the Almighty God is the One who is all important in life, and seek out our God in and through the Lord Jesus Christ; seeking genuine guidance in doing so, and then giving him our very best: worshipping him and seeking to live in a way that is pleasing to him and which builds up his kingdom. Let us make this a top priority in our lives; not because these efforts will save us - that has already been done for us by our Lord Jesus Christ; But because he is God and King, and that he has far better things in mind for us.
And to conclude, let us remember that our wisdom for the future will not come primarily from the education system of our country, money, material possessions, power and the like; but from God alone. There in Jesus Christ we find true life and its meaning: there in him we find salvation, forgiveness and love; there in the Scriptures, as we take it as God’s Word, we find all that is truly valuable and worthwhile. So let us be wise also. Let us not allow anything to distract us from the importance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and King. Let us worship him and give him our very best. For to him alone belongs all glory and honour, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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