Deuteronomy 30:15-20. Choose to die? Yes or no. 5/9/10
(15) See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. {16} For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. {17} But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, {18} I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. {19} This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live {20} and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Now this morning to help us come to grips with the message that God has here for us, I would like to begin with a story - that could and in many instances has been a real life story.
Now Fred had seen the TV adds, read the papers and heard the stories that drew attention to the dangers of drink driving. So like everyone else today he knew very well the dangers and knew the consequences. However, one Friday after a busy week, he went out to a party, and there he enjoyed himself. The drinks were going down smoothly, and before long two drinks went to three, to four and he kept on going.
His friends told him a number of times to steady up. But Fred knew better - he was alright: There had been other times, and he had always managed to get home alright. Anyway, the important thing was not to get caught by the police, and he knew a quiet road home. So what is the worry - look just relax and enjoy life.
This night as usual – when it was time to go home, Fred insisted on driving. He had a few of the other young lads with him. But he was quite alright; and just to play it safe he would again take the back track home.
Everything was going along fine, even though he was wandering about a bit. Then all of a sudden, a kangaroo hopped across the road in front of him. His reactions were far too slow and he finished up pulling the wheel too hard, and the car went into a slide, over the embankment and into a tree: killing them all.
Fred knew the law. He knew the dangers: and yet he chose to disregard it all and please himself. He thought he could get away with it, and all would be well. He had a choice - but he preferred to live his own life, without regard. He simply wanted to live and enjoy life - but ended up dying and taking others with him.
Now before we sit back smug in our seats, let us remember that there are many, many in our society today just like Fred, and that same thinking is there in each and every one of us. Not necessarily with regard to drink driving, but in one or more of many other areas in life; smoking, drugs, casual sex, and I could go on and on. We think we can just enjoy ourselves and we will get away with it. We will not get caught out. She’ll be right mate.
Particularly, this attitude today is prevalent in that one area that has even greater implications. That is with regard to our spiritual lives. There, is an area where all of us to a greater or lesser degree seem to think we can play it fast and loose and think it we will not get caught out. Again, the consequences are serious. But it is even more serious than simply playing with life and death. Here it is matter of eternal life either with God in heaven - or in Hell with a total absence of anything good.
Here again the choice is ours. See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed.
Life and death has been set before us all. Let us remember here that there is no way around it - we can either live with God - or we can go to hell – that’s the choice.
To live, we are told, means that we love the Lord our God, and walk in his ways and keep his command, decrees and laws. We can take God seriously; and then be blessed in the way that is truly good for us. Or on the other hand we can disregard God and what he has to say to us; thinking we can live without coming to church regularly and that sort of thing; and instead go out and play our sport on Sundays or whatever. Thinking we can worship the gods our society has made for itself, such as money, selfishness, popularity, leisure, and many others. By doing that, we are playing with danger. We are choosing death rather than life.
Like drink driving, the facts are before us. We have seen time and time again the tragic results of people driving under the influence. We have also seen the tragic results of people’s disregard for God and what he has to say to us. And look if you don't want to look at the Bible to see those results, have a look at history, and see society after society, person after person who has self-destructed because they didn't take God and his ways seriously.
Look at what is happening in Australia today, and see what happens when people turn their backs on God: there is the daily murder of unborn babies because people feel that they have the right and the freedom to do so. Look at the tragic results of suicide after suicide as people have given up hope. Look at the growing epidemic of AIDS, drugs, violence, and again this list could go on. Look at the growing disregard for marriage and the family with many, many people getting hurt - especially children. And we promote all this stuff as if it is all Ok and good for us. It is all so terrible!
So we can clearly see and know that there are two ways to live: One leading to life and the other to death and destruction. But at the same time while most people know this, they still think that they can ‘chance their arm.’ Like Fred, they think they can get away with it, and still finish up OK. They think that they can take the back route through life and still get to heaven safe and sound. They think that they can disregard all the evidence and get away with it. They think that they can choose death, but still live.
Let me tell you, most often it ends up with tragic results; and then it is too late – there are no second chances. So here, we have a clear reminder for us. We need to check what we are on about. It is so easy today to gradually slip into that kind of life that leads to death. Many around us have already gone done that path, with a bleak future ahead for them.
Let us remember again that God has given us his life-giving Word. Jesus has died and risen again so that each one of us can be a part of his family. At our baptisms, he signed those papers, guaranteed. But because of apathy, pride or neglect it is so easy to let go of it all and to cut ourselves off from all that God wants for us. He wants to hold us close and help us. He loves and cares for each one of us, and doesn't want us to harm ourselves. He wants nothing but the very best for us, here and in eternity.
But is it all that important to us? Can we ‘chance our arm’? We can so very easily cut ourselves off from it all and ignore what our gracious God has for us and so loose out. So take notice of God's word here: Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life. Take him seriously, and you will be blessed.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
(15) See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. {16} For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. {17} But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, {18} I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. {19} This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live {20} and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Now this morning to help us come to grips with the message that God has here for us, I would like to begin with a story - that could and in many instances has been a real life story.
Now Fred had seen the TV adds, read the papers and heard the stories that drew attention to the dangers of drink driving. So like everyone else today he knew very well the dangers and knew the consequences. However, one Friday after a busy week, he went out to a party, and there he enjoyed himself. The drinks were going down smoothly, and before long two drinks went to three, to four and he kept on going.
His friends told him a number of times to steady up. But Fred knew better - he was alright: There had been other times, and he had always managed to get home alright. Anyway, the important thing was not to get caught by the police, and he knew a quiet road home. So what is the worry - look just relax and enjoy life.
This night as usual – when it was time to go home, Fred insisted on driving. He had a few of the other young lads with him. But he was quite alright; and just to play it safe he would again take the back track home.
Everything was going along fine, even though he was wandering about a bit. Then all of a sudden, a kangaroo hopped across the road in front of him. His reactions were far too slow and he finished up pulling the wheel too hard, and the car went into a slide, over the embankment and into a tree: killing them all.
Fred knew the law. He knew the dangers: and yet he chose to disregard it all and please himself. He thought he could get away with it, and all would be well. He had a choice - but he preferred to live his own life, without regard. He simply wanted to live and enjoy life - but ended up dying and taking others with him.
Now before we sit back smug in our seats, let us remember that there are many, many in our society today just like Fred, and that same thinking is there in each and every one of us. Not necessarily with regard to drink driving, but in one or more of many other areas in life; smoking, drugs, casual sex, and I could go on and on. We think we can just enjoy ourselves and we will get away with it. We will not get caught out. She’ll be right mate.
Particularly, this attitude today is prevalent in that one area that has even greater implications. That is with regard to our spiritual lives. There, is an area where all of us to a greater or lesser degree seem to think we can play it fast and loose and think it we will not get caught out. Again, the consequences are serious. But it is even more serious than simply playing with life and death. Here it is matter of eternal life either with God in heaven - or in Hell with a total absence of anything good.
Here again the choice is ours. See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed.
Life and death has been set before us all. Let us remember here that there is no way around it - we can either live with God - or we can go to hell – that’s the choice.
To live, we are told, means that we love the Lord our God, and walk in his ways and keep his command, decrees and laws. We can take God seriously; and then be blessed in the way that is truly good for us. Or on the other hand we can disregard God and what he has to say to us; thinking we can live without coming to church regularly and that sort of thing; and instead go out and play our sport on Sundays or whatever. Thinking we can worship the gods our society has made for itself, such as money, selfishness, popularity, leisure, and many others. By doing that, we are playing with danger. We are choosing death rather than life.
Like drink driving, the facts are before us. We have seen time and time again the tragic results of people driving under the influence. We have also seen the tragic results of people’s disregard for God and what he has to say to us. And look if you don't want to look at the Bible to see those results, have a look at history, and see society after society, person after person who has self-destructed because they didn't take God and his ways seriously.
Look at what is happening in Australia today, and see what happens when people turn their backs on God: there is the daily murder of unborn babies because people feel that they have the right and the freedom to do so. Look at the tragic results of suicide after suicide as people have given up hope. Look at the growing epidemic of AIDS, drugs, violence, and again this list could go on. Look at the growing disregard for marriage and the family with many, many people getting hurt - especially children. And we promote all this stuff as if it is all Ok and good for us. It is all so terrible!
So we can clearly see and know that there are two ways to live: One leading to life and the other to death and destruction. But at the same time while most people know this, they still think that they can ‘chance their arm.’ Like Fred, they think they can get away with it, and still finish up OK. They think that they can take the back route through life and still get to heaven safe and sound. They think that they can disregard all the evidence and get away with it. They think that they can choose death, but still live.
Let me tell you, most often it ends up with tragic results; and then it is too late – there are no second chances. So here, we have a clear reminder for us. We need to check what we are on about. It is so easy today to gradually slip into that kind of life that leads to death. Many around us have already gone done that path, with a bleak future ahead for them.
Let us remember again that God has given us his life-giving Word. Jesus has died and risen again so that each one of us can be a part of his family. At our baptisms, he signed those papers, guaranteed. But because of apathy, pride or neglect it is so easy to let go of it all and to cut ourselves off from all that God wants for us. He wants to hold us close and help us. He loves and cares for each one of us, and doesn't want us to harm ourselves. He wants nothing but the very best for us, here and in eternity.
But is it all that important to us? Can we ‘chance our arm’? We can so very easily cut ourselves off from it all and ignore what our gracious God has for us and so loose out. So take notice of God's word here: Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life. Take him seriously, and you will be blessed.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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