Roger's Postings

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Luke 18:9-14. A right focus?? 24/10/10

{9) To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: {10} "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. {11} The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. {12} I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' {13} "But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' {14} "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

How many people go to church regularly these days? How many think that it is all a waste of time, because they don't get anything out of it? How many don't feel any different afterwards - except perhaps bored? It is a statistical fact that there is only a small percentage of people who worship regularly; yet most would say that they believe that there is a God? So for most people, even though they know that God exists, they believe church is not worth the effort.

Now here in this reading I believe we find the very much reason why this is most likely the case. Here we have two people who go to worship, but only one went home feeling, and more to the point, knowing that he was right with God, while the other didn't. For one, his attendance at church did him no good at all, while the other was greatly lifted up by it.

That being the case, let us think about how this applies to us. How can church and worship be a valuable experience for us, Sunday after Sunday? How do we get to know that we are right with God, instead of being let down and left feeling bored and empty?

So the first question for us then, is - what is it that makes us right with God? What is it that lifts us up or leaves us feeling flat and yuck about church? Now, if we think about the first guy in this reading – the Pharisee – we find out why so many do not get anything out of worship. This guy was a fine, upstanding, all round good fellow; not a thief, a cheat, or an evil person; he did not play around with other women; he gave as much as anyone, financially to the work of the church and charities; he fasted and did all the right thing religiously. So we would have to say that was one of the best good living guys around; a great example of how people should live and act.

But we are told that he went away from church that day, no better than when he went. As long as he continues to think the way that he did, he would not really get anything out of worship, other than an ego trip for himself; and in the end, he will not even get into heaven.

Why? Let us have a closer look; and at the same time, think about ourselves and our own attitudes as well. Let me read from our text: The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' Poor fellow - so full of himself that he had no need for God. All he was there for was to tell God how good he was and how much better he was than everyone else. No love and compassion for others; no thought of the fact that he was nowhere near good enough to be acceptable to God; no thought of listening to hear what God had to say to him. No, his only thoughts were of and for himself and how he feels and what he wants for himself. So he still leaves church that day with his eyes focussed on himself. He had done his religious duty; he was still a good fellow. BUT, we are told, that he was not right with God and that he will be humbled, one day. He would have a rude shock awaiting him in the future.

Now, what about you? What is your attitude and focus as you come to church? Are you listening for something that will make you feel good about yourself; listening for that which will enable you to do as you please; wanting merely to do a good deed and perhaps keep others happy; wanting to be seen and recognised as good person and wanting to simply feel good. Now, if that is the case, you too will be disappointed.

On the other hand, we perhaps can learn something from the attitude of the tax- collector. No, his life was not what it should have been; he hadn't been living a good life, and more importantly he had failed to live the way God expected him to; but thing was, he knew it; he was deeply conscious of the fact that he was a sinner and that he had let God down badly; he new he deserved to have God strike him down, chew him up and spit him out in little pieces; he knew he needed lots of help.

So he merely cries out from the back of church: God have pity on me a sinner. He begs for forgiveness and help: He puts his whole life into God's hands, to be dealt with and used as God pleases. And we are told that he went home that day in the right with God: He went home assured that God loves him and had forgiven him. What joy he experienced as a result and what a change occurred in his life.

Therein, we find how we too can get something out of church and worship. As we realize that our lives are not as good they should be; and that we have not lived the way that God expects of us; and as a result, that we have failed God, others and even ourselves, resulting in the fact that we need help, love and forgiveness from God almighty himself. Then we find that God is there and that he loves us, forgives us and is prepared to help us throughout.

So, if you are not getting anything out of church and find that it is boring and uninteresting; instead of blaming the pastor and others, first have a good look at yourselves. Have a look at your own attitude and see if you are only thinking about yourself and your own happiness and feelings. See if you think God and others owe you and should be giving you everything. Check if you are simply wanting to be reassured in your own rights and self-centredness. Remember the Lord is God almighty himself and he knows your thoughts and attitudes and he is also the one who has set down what is right and good for us.

Here, remember first and foremost, that our worship service is really, ‘Divine Service’; that is God serving us through Forgiveness of sins, Word and Sacrament. God Almighty himself is here to give us what he knows that we need. He knows that we are sinners, every one of us, and he knows how that has devastated our relationship with him. He knows that we need to be reminded of this along with the fact that he sent his Son Jesus Christ into our world to take the punishment that we deserve for it. So he comes to give and reassure us of these things week after week, so that we can know that we are right with God through Jesus Christ: That forgiveness of sins, life and salvation has been extended to all who repent and believe in Jesus and what he has done for us on the cross. This is his service to us.

So primarily our worship service is focussed on Jesus Christ and what he has to say and do for us. We come knowing that we are unworthy of such amazing grace, but we come on bended knee, knowing what he has to offer and do for us. We come to receive forgiveness for all the sin of the past week; and the Word and help that we need in order to go on in life, at peace with God and with renewed hope to live and be new people.

That is why the worship services are structure the way that they are. We begin with the reminder that we have come into the presence of the Almighty God of all creation. As a result, we too can only say, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' Then we receive the absolute assurance that our sin is forgiven, followed by his Word which reminds of the things that he wants us to know so that we can not only live happily in his presence but also how we are to live and act as his people. Then in the Lord’s Supper we receive Jesus very body and blood which he shed on the cross so that we can be absolutely sure that he forgives us, loves us, and goes with us as we leave church. The final blessing is a further pronouncement that God himself goes with to bless us as we live as his people in the coming week.

So, worship for us is an invaluable and absolutely necessary part of life for us as Christians. Because there we find God's presence, forgiveness, and all the love and help that we could ever hope to get. It is all here for us week by week. What an amazing thing it is for us to come and receive such wondrous gifts and love as this, even though we don’t deserve it.

I pray that each one of you will receive that assurance that you are right with God and that you can go away from this worship service with that confidence and assurance: So that you too may go home justified before God. May you all go with that assurance that you are God's people now and always. Go in the name of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish


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