1 Kings 19:9-18 The Whisper of God 13/8/17
{9} There he went into a cave and spent the
night. And the word of the LORD came to him: "What are you doing here,
Elijah?" {10} He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God
Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars,
and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now
they are trying to kill me too." {11} The LORD said, "Go out and
stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to
pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and
shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After
the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. {12}
After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after
the fire came a gentle whisper. {13} When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak
over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice
said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" {14} He replied,
"I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have
rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death
with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me
too." {15} The LORD said to him, "Go back the way you came, and go to
the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. {16}
Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of
Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. {17} Jehu will put to death
any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape
the sword of Jehu. {18} Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel--all whose knees
have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him."
For many people today, everyday life is a
real struggle: there seems to be so many pressures and difficulties that they
have to face. The suggestion continually promoted by our
society, is that we can have and be so much and so great; and yet the reality is far
from what it promises. So often then these people feel as though they have to
cope on their own, and that they are the only ones going through the hassles
that they are going through, and that no-one else knows, understands or cares.
In fact, it often seems to these people that
everyone is out to get them, with eyes watching for their every mistake, and
looking for a chance to get them, and in doing so, they often imagine things to
be so much worse than they actually are. So they run and hide in their own
little shells; even though they may be living and working in the rush tear of
life. They withdraw their 'real me' away from all who they feel are out to get
Meanwhile they cover their real selves with a
false bravado and outward ‘she’ll be right mate’, but within feel scared,
discouraged and disheartened; all alone in the busy, hostile world. Life is so
tough for many people.
Even in relation to church (our own church
too) and the spiritual side of life, there appears to be the same concerns. If
we look around us we see many faces missing from our midst, and this surely is
a real concern for all of us. To see week after week many people who claim to
be Christians not here. Where are they?
Why aren't they here? Are these people too hiding themselves away in
their own little shells, feeling weak and all alone? Are many of them
discouraged and disheartened; running scared and trying to hide from God:
thinking that he doesn't miss their attendance?
Or again because in the whole church scene we
are confronted with all kinds of different thinking and practice, which is
tugging us this way and that, and the focus has shifted from our God and what
he has done and made available for us; to ourselves and what we are to do, we are
left wondering what is it all about. Are we the only ones left who are
faithful, and are we in danger of being overcome? Sometimes it seems as if we
too are on the verge of dying; no longer is Christianity what it was meant to
be, and so are left hassled and frustrated - lonely or fearful?
Well yes, life is a struggle in a sinful
broken world - even for a Christian – even within the church. So my heart goes
out to those who are not here for this reason. But let us all get some comfort
and strength from out text here today. Elijah too knew what it was to feel weak
and all alone: Elijah who not long before this, experienced God's spectacular
power at work at Mt Carmel. He'd seen God burn up his sacrifice which he'd
doused with water, in front of all the idol worshippers and false prophets, who
couldn’t do the same with their sacrifice.
And now, a short time later he is running
scared. He had known and seen God's power and yet now he was running for fear
of his own life. Now he felt as though he was the only one of God's people
left, and that nothing was going his way: so he runs and hides in some distant
cave: hiding from the threat and danger that he perceived was there. Where was
God's power now when he needed it most of all? It seemed as though God had deserted
him and left him all alone: forgotten him - left him to be torn apart and
Hide as he might try though, he can't hide
from God. God speaks to him and asks what he is doing there hiding away. To
which he replies: why God? Why have you allowed all of this to happen? Evil has
taken control! To this God says - 'Go out to the mouth of the cave and I will
show you how I mostly operate and how I make my presence known to the people.’
So Elijah goes near the entrance and mighty
wind comes along and tears the mountain apart: shattering rocks and all of
that. Surely this is God at work, again showing me his power. This is the way I
like to see and know God; as long as he is for me and not against me. But NO -
God was not in wind! The same thing happened with the earthquake and the fire -
but no God. Poor Elijah - by now he would have been quite perturbed.
But then instinctively he knew the presence
of God was at hand. He heard it - the whisper of God - the still small voice of
God. No earth shattering revelation; no spectacular miracle: but the sound of
gentle quietness, and it is there that God made his presence and will, known to
Elijah: there God let him know that He was in control, and it was there that
Elijah knew that he was not all alone.
It was
there then that the whisper of God said, ‘go back and do the work I am giving
you to do.’ The still small voice said, ‘go back - even though life will not be
easy. Go back, and through you I will do what needs doing in righting this
nation. Go back and you will find that you are not the only one of my people
left; there many others as well: Seven thousand in fact.’
Now this must surely make us today stop and
think also, because we too, often, look for God to make his presence known in a
spectacular way. We often feel alone and discouraged - not trusting God and his
word and the sacraments, and we'd like to see him come through and tear the
town apart; performing some mighty act or miracle, not only to make us sure of
his presence but also to give us a sense of importance; of being a part of the
And when we are attacked or feel let down by
the Church or God; when we are unsure whether the whole church bit really has
any value; or when we see our membership declining and we are wondering what is
going on or feel that we have failed God. At those times, we too often want to
run and hide – to give it all away: particularly when we don't see God stepping
into the situation in some spectacular and powerful way.
So we too need to remember that by and large
God reveals himself in a very down to earth, quiet and gentle way, not in the
mighty and spectacular. Most often it is the still small voice of God that
breaks into our lives and makes God and his will known in our lives. Often it
is the whisper of God that lets us know that God is still in control.
In the Bible - his Word – he tells us of his
love and forgiveness, and what is good for us. In Baptism and Holy Communion,
he further, in a quiet and simple way reminds us of the forgiveness, life and
salvation that is ours through Christ's life, death and resurrection. And it is
through these means of grace that he assures us that we are not on our own; but
that we are joined to Christ and Christians of all times and places. Most of
the time it is in quiet ways that God comes to us and speaks to us and
reassures us.
So rather than running off and hiding in our
busyness and involvement in all kinds of things, we often need to get quiet and
listen; allowing God's still small voice to be heard: quietly reading his Word,
meditating and praying, taking time to be with him in worship and at the Lord’s
Table. Because it is there that he will come and make himself known to us, and
remind us that we are not on our own.
There also he quietly tells us, to go back out
into our everyday world and be the people he wants us to be: sharing his love
and Good News to those around us; encouraging one another, and thereby allowing
God to have an impact in our community. There he whispers, ‘go out and be my
people, for I am with you always.’
And with his gentle voice comes power: The
power to step out and do what God has in mind: power to do what we can't do on
our own. Remember Peter in the Gospel reading, at Jesus’ command he steps out
of the boat and walks on water; no problems, until once again he focuses on his
own frailties and weaknesses, and it is then that he starts to sink. But even
then, God's hand is there to lift him up once again. However, it was Jesus’
quiet command that enabled him to walk on water and to go on and do the Lord's
This morning again the gentle voice of Jesus
says to us and to our community; ‘Come. Come, one and all - for I am here with
you. I love you and forgive you, and I have the best of everything to offer
you. Come - no more need you feel discouraged and all alone. Come and be my
people - I will bless you and keep you, now and always. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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