Matthew 16:13-20. The
true Church revealed! 27/8/17
{13) When Jesus came to the region
of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son
of Man is?" {14} They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say
Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." {15} "But
what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" {16} Simon
Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." {17}
Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not
revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. {18} And I tell you that
you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades
will not overcome it. {19} I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on
earth will be loosed in heaven." {20} Then he warned his disciples not to
tell anyone that he was the Christ.
today through this reading God confronts us with the heart of what it is that
constitutes the true Christian Church; and thereby that which is central to
each of our lives as Christians. This message clearly ‘flies in the face’ of
much of the contemporary thinking around about us, through which the gates of Hades is seeking to overcome us. In this regard there is no
doubt that the gates of Hades are
making serious in-rounds into the churches around about us and perhaps even
into our own lives.
the challenge is clearly laid before us as to where we stand and upon which we
need to be built. It all is based around the question that Jesus asked his
disciples: "Who do you say I
before you start thinking that this doesn’t apply to you, for we know that it
is Jesus that is what it is all about. Most ‘christian’ churches would say that
Jesus is the centre of their beliefs. We all ‘believe’ in Jesus, so what is the
big deal?
just as in Jesus day, so also today what is it that we believe about him? There
are all kinds of false and misleading views being ‘peddled’ around today about
this Jesus. Much of what is focussed on, is only one part of who he really is,
and not that which is central, and which God himself has revealed as that which is the basis of the Church which he is
building; and which opens up heaven
for people.
is not good enough to say that he was simply a great prophet or teacher or
example. It is not adequate to look at him simply as a great miracle worker or
leader of the church. He does not die on the cross to simply show us how we are
to live sacrificial lives for others. He is not one who just shows us that God
is a loving God who is accepting of all, irrespective of whether we take him
seriously or not.
Peter and the disciples state that this Jesus
is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
It is on this statement that Jesus says his Church is built and
which enables people to be truly blest. It is on this reality that the Church
and people’s lives stand or fall: heaven is opened or closed. Here remember,
this is what God himself has revealed. This is not something made up
by Luther or someone else trying to be pedantic or difficult. This clear and
precise statement of what is the basis of God’s Church is revealed by God for
us to know and have clear in our minds.
any other view that goes outside of this, comes from the views of human beings,
not God. In fact, as Jesus says, it comes from Satan, instead of God. They
might sound good and pious. They might very well appeal to the egos of itching
ears and be able to draw the crowds. But
they are not that which is revealed by God Almighty himself. It is devilish and
Now since that is the case, let us look a little closer at what is
actually revealed to us, as that which is central to the Church. The clear
statement given is that Jesus is: the
Christ, the Son of the living God. That is, he is the Messiah: the one that
God had continually promised throughout the Old Testament times as the Anointed
One that God would send to save his people from their sins.
So this is not just a
prophet, teacher, miracle worker, example or any of those other things that are
so often focussed on. Here is the promised Lamb of God who would take away the
sins of the world: whose death on the cross for us and for our salvation is
absolutely central to what the Church is about. The statement of the keys of the kingdom of heaven fit right
into that understanding.
Here we have that which humanity finds very difficult to come to
terms with. We like the idea of Jesus as king and all of that, but as to his
suffering and death, this surely cannot be. Even Peter could not come to terms
with this, and Jesus has to say to him “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not
have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
You see, we don’t like hear about
our sin and the need for repentance; that is a turning our focus away from our
desire to do what we want to do, instead of taking God and his Word seriously. We
don’t want hear that this rebellion results in death and eternal separation
from God. We don’t want to think about the fact that this is the source of all
the troubles and heartaches that we have in our world today.
But it is only through the Christ;
the Messiah, and his death on the cross that we have any hope at all. Apart
from him there is no forgiveness, life and salvation. There alone then we have
that which is central to our lives as Christians and as a Church. There is no
other way.
But here let us not forget the second half of that statement
either. This Christ is; the Son of the
living God. Here we have the very clear statement that this Jesus is The
Almighty God’s very own Son come into our world to do that which was necessary
for our salvation. Here in Jesus Christ is the Lord Almighty himself: the Lord
over all heaven and earth: the Judge eternal; and much more.
Here then in not someone that we can ignore or take for granted.
He is not one we can twist and manipulate to please ourselves. Nor can we
presume upon him to allow him to let us do as we please, thinking that it
doesn’t matter, because he is after all a loving and all accepting God. That
certainly is not what he has to say.
But why would we want to anyway? This Jesus Christ; God’s very own
Son came and died in our place; so that God’s wrath wouldn’t fall on us. He
overcame sin, death and the devil, for us and for our salvation. Surely then he
is and will be our Lord. He will be the One we ever look up to and trust each
and every day of our life. He will be the one we seek to help and guide us in each
and every aspect of our lives. He and his death on the cross will be that which
forms the centre and basis of our church and our lives.
So this revelation that was given to Peter and the disciples that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the
living God, is now that which forms the basis of our church and our lives.
In that we will find that Rock that
we need in order give our lives, and the life of our world, the solidity and
safety that we sinful human beings need. This rock is not some big stone, but a huge, immovable rock mountain
that stand sure and strong, in the midst of the battles of life that pound at
us each and every day of our lives.
Here in connection with this Christ,
the Son of the living God we find that we are blest with every spiritual
blessing that we could ever want. There we have the sure hope of eternal life
with our God and Saviour. As we live in the shelter of that rock we now have the protection that
will ensure that the gates of Hades will
not overcome us.
So that being the case we can now go forward boldly and
confidently, knowing that we stand built on the rock; this central teaching that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. We do not need to fear that
we are on the wrong track as a church or individuals. This Christ, the Son of the living God does not change, yesterday,
today or forever.
Any church or message that does not focus on and stand secure in
this reality is nothing but a fraud and a deception. Any church or individual
that focuses on Peter and their own faith or works is a deception. Any church
that wants the miracle-working Jesus and not the Jesus on the cross is a
misleading and dangerous church. Anything that points to a Jesus other than the
promised Messiah; the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world; the
Son of the living God come into our world is to be avoided. These are all the
tricks of Satan to leads us away from that which is all-important.
This is what God says is for real for his Church. This is what God
would have as the confession of each one of us and as a church as a whole. For
there alone do we find the blessings that God would have us receive. To him be
all glory and honour now and always.
So now I conclude with Jesus’ question to each one of you: "Who do you say I am?" "Who
do you say that Jesus is?”
Surely he is the Christ, the
Son of the living God.
That being the case, go then and live in light of him, and may he
be that rock that holds us safe and secure. AMEN.
Pastor Roger Atze
Glandore/Underdale Lutheran Parish
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